Chapter Eight

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When I finally arrive behind my desk at work, functioning away on the novel I am to correct, I try my hardest to not think about what has happened the past few hours never mind days. I do, however, promise myself to visit Elizabeth's grave within the next few days.

Unexpectedly I get a visit from my boss who whisked himself into my office without knocking.

"Anna, I heard you are back, how are you feeling?" he asks. Wide-eyed I look at him from the piles of paper in front of me. it was unusual for him to take such an interest in me like this.

"Yes, the appointment went well" I reply with a lie. I had to falsify my reason for absence today.

"Very well, enjoy the rest of your day" he says and with that heads out of my office.

I slouch down in my seat, very inelegantly closing my eyes and taking in a few breathes. I can do this; I repeat to myself.

WHEN 5:20PM COMES AROUND I pack up my stuff and lock my office door. Strutting past Sophie, I bid her a good evening and head straight for the elevator. Its only three floors down but I manage to freshen myself up, so I look a little bit more presentable for Notch8.

Walking out of the elevator I look straight ahead, not looking anyone else in the eye. The grey clouds seem to have cleared a little bit as the sun is beginning to set whilst I walk down to the car park. I slide into my car and take the five-minute drive to the restaurant with five minutes to spare.

I park my car near the restaurant and walk up to the woman standing behind some kind of black shiny block with the restaurant name on it. Her dark brown hair is sleeked back into a low bun and she's wearing a completely black uniform, her blouse buttoned all the way up. When she notices me, she looks up at me with a grin from ear to ear.

"Good evening, how may I help you?" she asks in an overly friendly voice.

"I'm here to meet my friend under a reservation, the names Lily Smith."

The woman looks down onto some long list of papers running her finger through each name.

"Ah yes, let me take you over to the table" she says when she finds the name. Smiling at me, she starts leading the way inside the restaurant. It is quite the prestigious restaurant. Lots of gold and olive greens mixed with electric blues and greys and oak coloured wood.

The woman guides me to a little corner where they keep some bookshelves. I see Lily and Hardy already sitting there and when they turn around, I see them beam. They stand when I get close and embrace me into a hug.

"Anna, I'm so happy you were able to make it" says Lily as she guides me to sit down.

"Are you ready for me to take your drink order" asks the brunette lady.

"Yes, we'll have a bottle of Barossa Valley Shiraz, please" says Hardy. He was quite the wine connoisseur, much like Damien.

Ahh, but I was driving home!

"Could we also have a jug of water please" I pitch in with slight panic.

"You seem restless, what's wrong?" asks Lily.

I take my time to think of a response to her question. So much has happened the past two days.

"Well..." murmurs Hardy.

"I'm not sure where to start" I say silently.

"How about you start from the forest incident."

"Yeah, what really happened out there, we've lost contact with you for a solid 10-12 hours" adds Hardy.

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