Chapter Sixteen

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When I walk out into the living room, I am greeted by a beautiful looking female. Her black long locks are perfectly curled and hang so seamlessly down her back. She looks younger that I expected. I don't know why I would think that she would look older.

The muscles in my stomach twist as I start to feel a little jealous again. She gets to work with my boyfriend all the time and I get a feeling that she is much more than just the mother of demons. Their interaction appears to be far too intimate for my liking.

I want to snort, rolling my eyes but instead I clear my throat as I make my way towards them. They both turn around to face me at the same time. Completely in sync together.

"I assume this is Lilith," I say showing my complete displeasure as I raise my eyebrow at Damien who walks around to me.

He leans trying to kiss me, but I twist my face which forces him to kiss my cheek instead. When I peek up at him, he looks somewhat confused and is giving me his facial expression that is asking what-have-I-done-wrong?

"It's a pleasure to meet you finally Ana, Lucifer has told me a lot about you." She holds out her hand for me to shake but I refuse. Instead, I just give her a small smile.

"Lilith is here to help you get ready, I have to go and attend to a few things, but I'll see you again at the ball."

I groan, "Okay."

I allow him to kiss my lips this time and watch as he leaves through the mysterious doors, shutting them, loudly.

When I turn back to Lilith, she is looking me up and down with her bright green eyes. I am back in Damien's bathrobe and barefooted. Only now do I also notice that the scattered porcelain has been cleaned.

"Shall we start?" she asks me, startling me and causing me to look at her again.


"To get you ready for the ball." She reels her eyes at me.

"Oh, yeah, yes sure."

My, why is she making me feel so intimidated now that we are left alone. Is it because of her relationship with Damien, or shall I call him Lucifer? That is what everyone else seems to be calling him.  I wonder if he wants me to start calling him that, maybe I should ask him that later tonight?

Much to my surprise, I follow her through the big mysterious doors that I have always been curious about. I don't have time to take everything in besides getting a small glimpse at a massive portrait which hangs on a wall between some bookshelves behind a huge dark wooden desk and a dark red leather chair. There is a matching sofa and the next minute I am walking down flights of stairs to a small elevator. If I knew that Damien didn't trust Lilith as much as he does, I would think that she is taking me to get slaughtered.

Once the elevator doors open it is like we are in another world. Everything looks like we have found ourselves in a castle from the middle Victorian era. There are candles attached to the hallway walls as our footsteps echo. This place looks like a maze to my eyes.

Lilith guides me into a bedroom that is all morose with gold everywhere. Red roses in clear elaborated crystal vases standing on top of the fireplace remind me of the roses I saw back in Damien's cottage.

I'm sitting down at the vanity in front of a huge mirror and stare at myself. I look well rested but damn jealousy is written all over me as I see Lilith looking at me in the mirror.

I want to ask her a few questions, especially if it is true that she and Damien have never been together, but how do I go about that?

"You seem awfully quiet, I would've thought you'd be a chatty little human." She comments as she begins to brush through my hair.

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