Chapter 25

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I never really experience disappear like this. All that matters now is that him and I are alive and semi healthy. His face was pale and it looks likes he lost a lot of weight since last time I saw him.

Masons face wasn't in very good shape either, there were small cuts around forehead and cheeks but at least he was smiling. "America, I missed you so desperately." He buried his head in my arms. "I knew I'd see you again."

I smiled and pulled him up so he was standing on his feet. "C'mon we're going outside for some fresh air." I vaguely told him.

"Excuse me Miss America, but you can't go outside its strongly permitted." The guard next to the cell ordered. There was still something about him that seemed familiar. "Please? It will be just a couple of minutes." I begged while still holding on to Maxon on my side. The guard nodded slightly and led us out the door.

A beautiful patch of pink cherry blossom trees were covering the area from left to right, it was absolutely glorious. Maxon and I took a seat on the grey cemented bench, and watched the blossoms fall from the tree gracefully.

"Wow. This is breathtaking." I said amusingly. Maxon stood up and picked one off the tree. A light pink bud was resting in the palm of his hand. "For you my lady." He offered the blossom to me.

I smiled and gave Maxon a light kiss on the cheek. It hard to imagine a life without him, where would I be? Possibly dead? Possibly caught being out after curfew with Aspen? Probably.

After a few very quick minutes the guard ordered us back in to see Archer, once again I'm going to have to put on an act that will hopefully fool him. Maxon and I walked hand in hand into the meeting room. The guard quickly took me by the forearm and brought me slightly outside the door, so no one could hear us.

"Look I don't want you to make a joke of yourself out there, tell no truthful information when you were on the run." Why was he helping me? If anything he should be against me. I nodded my head in agreement. "Meet me at sector 2.3 at approximately 24:15 hours." He whispered right before I went into the room.

Archer stood up politely and greeted Maxon and I before we sat down. "I'm glad you could join us today." He ruffled the papers he had in his hands and then read something off the sheet I couldn't hear.

"It wasn't really our choice." I muttered under my breath. Archer look at me instantaneously with a grin on his face. "Excuse me?" The other people dressed in suits and ties surrounding us looked at me in shock, as if I wasn't wearing anything at all. Well I might as well be these clothes aren't getting any more dirtier.

"I said. It wasn't really our choice to come here, you brought people to attack me or at least bring me here." I sassily explained to the crowd of people. Archer's face didn't change expressions, but the other peoples did. Surprised it seemed. Did Archer not tell anyone what or who got me here? Obviously not.

"As so it seems America, the reason I brought you here was because I need you. I wouldn't hold someone captive for no reason." He smirked evilly, the. Took a light sip of his coffee. "You'll be sleeping in the joining room next to mine from now on. " He added.

Now he was pushing my buttons, I am not going to sleep a room from that monster. "Whatever you need me here for you might as well just tell me now. You didn't have to drag Maxon or our children into this." I angrily stated. I took moment to reinsure myself that this wasn't happening. This was just all a dream, it has to be.

"Yes, I believe your right but changing my opinion on this whole thing won't happen. You will know your purposes soon enough."

In a brief moment, a group of guards were brought in to take care of Maxon. I screamed out as hard as I could. All of these people were witnessing this too! How could they not help me! Maxon was flailing all over the place to try to get back to me, but it wasn't working. The more he hit, the more he got restrained by the guards.

I was a mess. A living problem that causes more problems. My children were at risk. My husband was at risk. My life was at risk if I don't do what I need to do.

Archer walked over to a guard. The same guard that helped me. "Captain Leger, please take this beautiful Lady America to her room. Make sure she gets new clothes." He looked at me from top to bottom then turned around and sat back down in his leather chair.

I was stunned when Archer said Leger. That was Aspen! I didn't draw any attention walking out the door with him. I can't believe I didn't recognize him, he is taller then I ever expected.

We walked to my new room without anyone noticing. Aspen immediately changed his straight face into a smile then embraced me in a hug as soon as we got in the room. I felt his heart beating from underneath his vest. "Aspen, I can't believe it's you." I was crying while my head was on his shoulder. "I thought you died."

"We know what we are, but know not what we may be."


Really sorry for the late update guys!! With the long wait comes a new poster! It's up there ^^ so check that out.. I'm also thinking about publishing another book but idk.. Anyways have a good day! I love you all dearly!

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