Chapter 1 - Roman

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The door slid open and the woman peered out to see a young boy with chestnut locks and bright blue eyes standing in front of her.

Roman noticed that she had been crying, for her eyes were red and swollen. Slipping his hands in the pockets of his worn jeans, he greeted her.

"Hello, Aunt Abby." He said awkwardly. He had never really spoken to the chief doctor by himself before, he was usually with Clarke whenever he spoke to her.

"Oh, hello, Roman," Abby said, regaining her composure and wiping her eyes. Her voice was very hoarse and shaking. Roman wondered what happened for her to be in such a state, did she get into a fight with her husband Jake or Clarke. "What are you doing here?"

"I was just wondering if Clarke was here," Roman responded, looking down at the ground. "She said that she wanted to talk to me about something, it was about school."

Okay, that last part was a lie. Clarke told him to come for another reason. It was very important. She also told him not to tell anyone about it, this was a secret between him, Wells, and her.

Abby tried to hide a sob by covering her mouth, but Roman noticed. He pretended he didn't because he didn't want to upset her even more.

"Clarke's not feeling well, she said that no one must disturb her," Abby mumbled as if she herself was trying to believe her own words. "Does your father know you're here?"

Roman raised his eyebrows in surprise. Abby never really cared about his father or his friendship with Clarke. Why would she care now?

"I thought I'd just talk to Clarke and get back before he comes home."

Abby nodded solemnly. She lifted her hand as if to try and stroke Roman's cheek, but she recoiled and recollected herself. He wasn't fazed by this, she had done this many times when he came over. It was probably her stopping herself from treating him as if she was his mother. But Roman didn't mind if she did it, the Griffin Family were like his second family. "You should go home then."

"But – "

"I'll tell Clarke that you dropped by. I'm sure your father will be home soon."

Roman wanted to say more, but it was clear that Clarke's mother was uncomfortable. He didn't want to annoy her with his questions. He could always just talk to Clarke tomorrow.

"Okay, send my regards to her. Goodbye, Aunt Abby." Roman tried smiling, turning around. The moment his back was facing her, he heard the door slide shut after him.

Something was wrong, Abby was clearly upset by something. And Roman guessed that it had something to do with Clarke.

Roman began walking back to his family's quarters, deep in thought.

He wondered what happened. To be honest, he had noticed slight changes in Clarke's behavior over the past few weeks. She was quieter than normal, he knew because he was the quietest out of their friend group, consisting of himself, Wells – the Chancellor's son – and her. But recently, she had been quieter than even him. He would have to talk about it with Wells, he might know what's going on or how to fix it.

Roman was so lost in thought that he nearly bumped into the door of his quarters. He jumped back in shock. He didn't realize that his home was that close to Clarke's.

Why am I friends with such a klutz? That sounded like something Clarke would say. She and Wells always made jokes about how clumsy Roman could be sometimes. He didn't do it on purpose, it just happened when he was focused or in deep thought that he would accidentally trip or bump into something, which was very often.

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