Chapter 5 - The Mechanic

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The door opened, Marcus didn't even bother to look. He knew who it was. 

"Are you out of you're mind!" Cece said as the door closed shut behind her. "You can't just kill everyone who doesn't agree with you!"

"You all think I'm the bad guy!" He snapped back at her. "You, the Council, the entire Ark. Even my own son is against me!" He placed his drink back on the counter and turned back to her. "I'm doing all of this to save us!"

"She's my best friend!" Cece shouted. "And her daughter was Roman's best friend!"

"So, what do you want me to say? I'm sorry?" Marcus moved closer to her. "I'm not. Friendship is a luxury we can't afford, and if I have to take us down to a Cosmic Adam and Eve, I will do it."

He saw tears forming in Cece's eyes. 

"Please ..." She pleaded. "Show mercy. If not for Abby or me, then for Roman."

Marcus would do anything for Roman, he was his only child. Even if he was a reminder of her ... as long as Roman lives, he was content. Whatever he had to do to ensure his son's safety, he would do it, even if it cost Roman never wanting to see him again. It was a contract he had signed when he became his father.

Roman was everything that Marcus was not. He always listened to what people had to say and understand where they're coming from. He tried his best to help everyone, all while being kind and gentle and timid. He was way too good for this horrible world, and that was the problem. Roman needed to understand ... that not everyone can be saved. He can't always put others first, he needed to take care of himself as well. There will come a day when his innocence will be corrupted because he tried and failed to help someone, and Marcus knew that day would hit Roman hard.

"We can't afford mercy either. If Roman were in my shoes, he'd understand why I do this."

"You see, that's where you're wrong," Cece said, clenching her hand into fists. "Roman is not you, Marcus. He may be your son, but he's also her son as well."

Marcus raised his hand. "Don't mention that woman! She lost the right to be acknowledged by me when she tried to harm Roman."

"But she's his mother!"

"I don't want her influence to corrupt Roman! And besides, I made sure she would never come anywhere near him again!"

Cece's eyes widened in horror as she processed his words. "Marcus, what did you do?"

Marcus looked her in the eye, his brown eyes flaming in anger. 

"What I had to, to protect my son from the pain and misery that woman caused us!"


Roman rushed towards the doors that led into the med bay. He was surprised that he hadn't tripped and landed on his face while running here, maybe it's because his shoelace was actually tied for once. He saw someone standing outside the door, Abby's second medical officer, Eric Jackson. He had spoken to him a couple of times because of Clarke, well, it was more like Jackson talking to him and Roman just saying one or two words every once in a while.

"Jackson!" Roman called out.

The older man looked up and saw the boy running towards him. 

"Roman? What are you doing here?"

Roman skidded to a stop in front of Jackson. Roman placed a hand on his chest and breathed heavily, his heart beating rapidly.

"I need to see Chancellor Jaha."

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