Chapter 40 - The Summit

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"Did you guys ever hear about the time I saved Sinclair's ass?" Raven asked, looking over her shoulder at the rest of the group.

She heard a couple of groans from the others behind her.

"Please don't start," she heard Octavia.

Well, at least I'm thinking of something to lighten the mood.

She, Bellamy, Octavia, and Gina were headed towards the secondary entrance of Mount Weather. Sinclair needed Raven and Gina's help to restart the power, Raven's mechanical expertise and Gina's knowledge of software were beneficial in having access to all the machinery in Mount Weather, specifically the medical facilities. Abby had requested it in Kane's absence, and Kane had allowed it on the condition that they didn't make it look as if they were settling in the Mountain. Sinclair had decided to go ahead with a couple of the Farm Station survivors, and now they were sending in a second team, which was Raven's group. Kane and Abby were originally supposed to go with them, but then they received a message inviting them to Polis for a summit between the different clans.

"You mean when you went on a rogue spacewalk when Sinclair deliberately told you not to?" Gina smirked at her as they made their way down the steps that led into one of the many corridors. She was probably the only one playing along with Raven's attempts at lightening the mood. Raven was glad that at least someone wanted to join in, she didn't want to do everything by herself.

Raven tapped her finger on her chin, feigning cluelessness. "Define 'rogue spacewalk'."

"Hopping on a robotic arm and then aiming it at a solar array, a place where you could've died?"

Octavia looked at Raven in surprise, seemingly impressed by Raven's past actions.

"Only time I've ever heard Sinclair lose his cool on comms," Raven sighed, recalling the fond memory of nearly going deaf from Sinclair screaming at her through the intercoms. It felt like she was getting scolded by her father, at least that's what people say fathers sound like when they lecture you.

"How long were you benched?" Octavia asked, she was now walking beside Raven.

"Benched?! I got that thing done at a record pace. He promoted me to head of my team." She shrugged smugly. "What can I say? Sinclair thinks I can do no wrong."

The other girls chuckled and Raven joined them. A rare moment where she felt genuinely glad to hear her friends laugh. Well, almost all her friends. The large, grumpy dork known as Bellamy Blake said nothing while leading their group down the halls. Bellamy kept his eyes fixed on the path ahead of them as they made their way to the main common room area. He had been quiet the entire time, and he was usually the one sarcastically commenting on Raven's tales. But for the past few months, his shoulders had become slumped and he hardly ever cracked a smile anymore. And now, the look on his face showed that he was currently annoyed, pissed off and anxious. Who wouldn't be after being suspended from their duties as a member of the Chancellor's security team?

Bellamy had wanted to go with Kane and Abby to Polis, probably because he wanted to see Roman and Clarke. His leg was almost fully healed and he could walk properly without being in too much pain (lucky), but Kane had benched him, refusing to let him do anything that involved coming into contact with the Grounders. So here he was; he and Octavia had decided to escort Raven and Gina to Mount Weather since there wasn't really much for them to do back in Arkadia. That didn't stop him from being grumpy the whole trip.

He wouldn't have to worry too much. Soon, they would become the Thirteenth Clan. They would be able to go about the lands without receiving any hostility from the Grounders - apart from Azgeda that is. Clarke would be returning home and hopefully staying for good instead of running away again. And Roman wouldn't have to do any more negotiating for peace treaties, he would also be able to come home ...

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