Chapter 33 - The Mountain Part 2

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Roman wasn't scared of the dark, not even when he was a small child. He had grown up in a bedroom with a bay window that looked out into the empty darkness that was space. He wasn't scared of the dark. But walking around in the darkness of the Reaper tunnels really put him on edge. The light from the flaming torch that he had made cast odd shadows against the rocky tunnel walls. At any moment now, a Reaper could spring out and brutally murder him and Clarke.

Clarke was focused on the path ahead of them, making sure that she knew exactly where they were going. She had been silent for a while, and he can understand why. She just got betrayed by someone she put all her faith in. And that person just left an entire village, including Cassian's daughters and Roman's father, for dead. Roman was angry but was that really a surprise anymore? He was angry at Mount Weather for taking his friends hostage. Angry at Lexa for betraying and abandoning them. Angry at Clarke for even considering letting innocent people die. Mostly, he was angry at himself for the things that he had done while trying to "survive" in this cruel world.

He decided not to say his thoughts aloud. Mostly because he didn't want to make a noise, nor have Clarke hear him vent. But mostly because it was too creepy walking around in these tunnels.

The scraping of feet against the ground.

Clarke came to a sudden halt. She must have heard it too.

"Something's coming," She whispered, pulling out her gun.

Roman had both his gun and his sword clutched tightly in his hands. He decided to use his gun. He and Clarke both lifted their guns and aimed in the direction of the sounds. Clarke signaled for them to start inching closer. Roman sucked in his breath, positioning his finger on the trigger of the gun.

The footsteps came closer and closer. Roman made note that it wasn't as loud and heavy as the Reapers. He couldn't even hear the animalistic sounds of the Reapers. Meaning that ... it might not be them.

Suddenly, the shadows molded into two figures, one tall and one smaller and more dainty. They came into clear view under the light radiating from Clarke's flaming torch. Roman had come into these tunnels expecting to go up against the Reapers ... again. But if he was being honest, this was a far better sight to see.

Octavia and Cassian. Walking side by side with their swords drawn. They must have been thinking the exact same way that Roman and Clarke had been thinking. They both lowered their swords when they saw that it was just their friends.

Roman also noticed the large metal shoot. He remembered Clarke describing that that had been part of her escape from Mount Weather, through the body chute. Where the Mountain Men disposed of all the failed subjects in their horrific experiments. Beside the body chute was a large metal door, probably where the Mountain Men came in and out of the main area of the military base. That was their way in.

"Octavia. Cassian," Clarke breathed out, she sounded very relieved. "You stayed."

An angry scowl etched itself into Octavia's face.

"Of course, we stayed," she spat venomously. "We know where our loyalties lie."

She was definitely still pissed off with Clarke.

Roman turned to Cassian, seeing a solemn look on the older man's face. He withdrew his sword and approached him.

"Cassian, what happened to Indra?"

Cassian's mouth formed a straight line and his grey eyes focused on the ground.

"I made my choice ... she chose to respect it," he spoke in a quiet voice. "I can never go back to Tondc, but what's there to go back to?"

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