Chapter 7 - The Birthday

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Roman was right, he was definitely regretting agreeing to this. 

Raven was a brilliant mechanic, he was impressed with the way she worked. So quickly and efficiently. She was definitely better than him, Roman had never worked on something as huge as the pod, but she had. 

But there was only one problem.

She wouldn't stop bothering him with questions and calling him Little Prince.

Raven poked her head out of the pod. She looked around and saw Roman with his back turned to her, his eyes fixed on the mechanical drawings he had made of the pod to get a better image of what needed to be fixed or replaced. A few pieces and small parts that he had been working on. That was a deal that Roman made with Raven, she would work on the big parts, while he worked and replaced the smaller parts. 

"Hey, Little Prince," Raven asked. "How do you know so much about mechanics?"

Roman didn't respond, he just carried on sketching out the engine from the pod in his notebook. 

"So, you're giving me the silent treatment now, huh?" she chuckled.

Roman rolled his eyes and continued sketching.

"Oh come on, Little Prince."


"Little Prince?"


"Prince Charming."




"Princey Pie."

That caused Roman to turn around with a raised eyebrow.

"That's not a thing." He finally answered. "How do you even think of that?"

"It is a thing now since you responded to it," Raven smirked, moving back into the pod to work on the control board. "So, will you answer my question now?"

"No. We have work to do." Roman turned back to his notepad and continued sketching. 

"Just making conversation, jeez. Someone's a little cranky today, is it because it's your birthday."

Roman looked back at Raven with a confused look. "My birthday?"

"Yeah, Abby mentioned that your birthday is on the twenty-fourth. Don't tell me you actually forgot your own birthday!" Raven exclaimed.

In truth, Roman did forget. He had been so caught up with fixing the pod and getting to the ground that he actually forgot that today was his birthday.

He was now eighteen years old.

According to the Ark, he was an adult. He had been so excited about the idea of turning eighteen that he would go on and on about it to his friends, and they were planning on going to the greenhouse station and having a small picnic. He thought he would be so happy on his birthday.

But he wasn't.

He shrugged and looked back at his work. "It's not a big deal. We have to fix this pod, it's more important than my birthday."

"Whatever you say, Little Prince." He heard Raven say.

The storage room door opened and Abby walked in.

"How's it coming along?" She asked standing next to Roman and looking at all the plans he had made. 

Raven called out from inside the pod. "All good so far, my assistant and I have done a pretty decent job."

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