Chapter 24 - The Negotiations

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"And when I came home, she was on the couch ... making out with another guy!" Wick exasperated, throwing his arms in the air. "Unbelievable, and my Mom actually liked her!"

"Oh, the woes of you," Raven remarked, smirking at him from her side of the table. "Finn told you not to fall too hard for her."

Wick scoffed, slouching in his seat. "I guess she just couldn't handle this." He gestured to his body.

"That or maybe she just thought you were pathetic."

"Oh, whatever! I bet if you weren't being all lovey-dovey with Collins, you'd be all over me!"

Raven raised an eyebrow, leaning her hand on her hand. "You are a decent-looking guy, so maybe."

Wick looked at her in surprise, a smile slowly growing on his face. She was being honest, he was pretty good-looking. Tall, muscular, rugged. Definitely, her type, but she wasn't that drawn to him. If it did come down to it, she would consider going out with him. But, she just didn't feel that spark. That warm feeling in her chest that she felt every time she was with Finn ... or what she used to feel around him. He had changed too much, moved on so fast ... it just wasn't there anymore.

Wick finally broke eye contact with her and looked away. 

"What about you, kid? How many conquests did you make?"

Raven looked at the boy sitting across the table opposite her. His dark-haired covered his eyes, he was hunched over his plate of broth. He drew circles in the brown substance with his spoon. His blue eyes were faded and lost in his own thoughts, the dark bags under his eyes were as prominent as ever. She knew why he was like that, who wouldn't be upset if their father was being held captive and his life was on the line. 

"Little Prince?" she called out softly. 

Only then did he respond. He lifted his head, his eyes shifted between both her and Wick. 

"What?" he asked hoarsely, straightening in his seat, and moving his hair out of his face. 

"I asked how many conquests did you make up on the Ark?" Wick smiled at him. 


"Y'know ... how many girls did you get with?"

Roman looked at him with big eyes, his cheeks turning a slight shade of pink. He shrunk slightly into himself, averting his eyes from them.

"I-I never m-made any c-c-conquests," he stammered, looking shyly at his plate. 

"I don't believe it," Wick said, leaning over and playfully nudging him on the shoulder. "You're the most handsome fella I've ever seen! You've gotta have snagged some girls."

The blush on Roman's cheeks grew even redder, Raven wanted to smile so badly. Despite his stubborn demeanor and his blank expressions, he was also an adorable little dork. 

"I guess I had a couple of 'offers' from girls in my classes," Roman said, scratching the back of his neck. "I didn't accept any of them, I wasn't interested in any of them." 

Wick looked at him in disbelief. "You've never had a girlfriend? There's gotta be at least someone who caught your eye."

There it was again, Roman's immediate change in demeanor. It was like a light switch with him. His blush disappeared, and his mouth formed a straight line. For a boy who wanted to blend into the crowd, he had powerful control over the entire atmosphere, the air felt as cold as the expression on his face. Or maybe that was just how she felt about it. 

A couple of seconds later, just like that, his mood swapped back to normal. He looked back at Wick and gave him a goofy smile. 

"Nope, there's no one," he said softly. "I remember this one Unity Day Dance, a drunk girl dragged me onto the dance floor. Then she tried to kiss me, but Clarke pushed Wells at the girl to get her out of the way, and he accidentally pressed his lips against mine. That was technically my first kiss, and I was kinda traumatized by the experience since it was my best friend. Wells was also traumatized, he made us swear never to speak of it again."

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