Chapter 4 - The Chancellor

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"Why ... why would you do this to them?" Roman fumed, storming up to his father and glaring up into his father's dark eyes.

"We had no other choice."

"No, you did. You just wanted to get those kids off your hands," Roman snarled, he had never been angrier in his entire life. "They're kids! Some of them are the same age as me! They could've had a life if they got a retrial! You Privileged just don't care about anyone but yourselves!"

"Roman, you're only a child, when you're older you'll understand the decisions I've had to make to protect you," His father said raising his hands to try and calm his son. "I just want you to be safe."

"I don't want protection. I just want my friends back!" Roman felt tears forming in his eyes. "I just want my friends ..."

Roman wiped his tears away and looked up at his father with a pained expression. How could his father do this? Did he not care about his own son? Was becoming Chancellor more important than him?

Roman was shaking in fury and pain, he figured that his eyes were probably red from the tears forming in his eyes. He was trying his best not to let them flow. He was a Kane for crying out loud. He had been told many times that the Kanes were ruthless and never showed weakness. Why couldn't he do that? Why was he so weak in comparison to his father? Why didn't he act like a Kane? 

What made him feel even worse was the expression on his father's face. Blank, totally devoid of emotion. His eyes were cold and icy, full of what looked like ... disappointment? Anger? Roman couldn't figure it out, he only knew that it was all directed at him. He couldn't stand it, being a disappointment ... being the worst Kane to ever exist ... being weak ...

He needed to get out of there.

Roman turned his back to his father. He began walking away when he felt a hand grabbed his bloody wrist.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to wash the blood off of me." Roman gave his father a cold stare. "We wouldn't want people to think that the Vice-Chancellor's son murdered the Chancellor, might damage your reputation and ruin your chances of becoming the next Chancellor. Since that's all you care about."

Roman yanked his hand away and walked away from his father.

Then suddenly, there was an alert coming from the door. Roman spun around just as his father opened the door and let the person in. Roman recognized it to be a man that his father worked with.

"Sinclair, what's the matter?" His father asked urgently.

"Marcus, we need you at mission control." The man huffed, he had been running. "It's about the dropship. And there's a riot, some of them saw the dropship depart. Cece is trying to hold them off. Things might get violent."

"Shit." He heard his father curse under his breath. He turned to Roman. "Roman, I want you to stay here. I'll have Cece check in on you. Just please ... stay here."

Roman saw the desperation in his father's brown eyes, he found himself nodding. He watched as his father turned and followed Sinclair, the door sliding shut after them.

He was all alone. 

He sighed as he turned and continued to the bathroom, there wasn't anything to do other than wash the blood off of himself. He ran his hand over a sensor and the shower switched on. Looking down at his clothes, he realized that they weren't as stained as his hands and hair, there were only a few splotches on his jacket and jeans. 

He shrugged them off and stepped into the shower, letting the cold water engulf him. He stared at the blood dripping out of his hair and off of his hands, watching it fall to the ground and be washed down the sink at his feet.

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