Chapter 17 - The First War Part 2

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"Let me get this straight," Roman said, pacing around the tent with his arms crossed. "When you guys got kidnapped, you overheard that the Grounders were planning an attack tonight?!"

"Don't forget about the part where that Grounder we captured helped them escape through some spooky cave," Bellamy added while flipping through the sketchbook that he had taken off the Grounder. "And you guys mentioned something about these Reaper things? Do you think we could use 'em? You know, the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Clarke looked up at them as knelt beside Raven, shaking her head solemnly. "Bad idea, those Reapers will kill anything they see that isn't one of them. And I'm quite sure they'll eat our remains when they finish murdering us."

Clarke lifted up a metal pole that she had heated up and gently placed over Raven's wound. Raven let out a scream and gripping Finn's hand tightly. Roman couldn't bear seeing her in that much pain, he wished he could do something to help her, but he wasn't skilled in the medical field like Clarke.

"Great, now we gotta deal with cannibals," Bellamy muttered. He continued to flip through the pages of the sketchbook.

"How did Murphy get ahold of a gun?" Finn asked, placing a cool cloth on Raven's forehead. "Why did he act like that?"

"Long story."

"He felt threatened," Roman said, stopping in the middle of the tent. "Whatever you guys did to him really pissed him off."

Clarke stood up and turned to look at all three men. "We won't have time to remove the bullet from her body, and the Grounders are probably already on their way. We need to leave and get somewhere safer, only then can I perform a proper surgery."

"Will she be able to walk?" Finn asked. 

"No, we'll have to carry her."

Raven winced while trying to sit up properly. "Like hell you will. I can walk by myself."

Stubborn as always.

"Hey, listen to me," Clarke said looking down at her. "The bullet is still inside of you. And all we can do is hope that there's no internal bleeding. You are not walking to the sea, is that clear?"

Raven glowered at her before plopping back down on the bed, groaning in frustration. Finn removed his hand from hers and stood up, dusting his pants.

"I'll get a stretcher for her," he said turning to Roman. "You'll help me carry her, right?"

Roman didn't even need to think about it. "Yep."

Bellamy snapped the book shut and stood up from the chair that he was seated on. He gave Finn a cold stare and crossed his arms over his chest. 

"You're all leaving? Can run away fast enough, huh? Real brave."

"Dying in a fight you can't win isn't brave, Bellamy," Finn snapped at him. "It's just stupid."

Bellamy scoffed. "Spoken like every coward who's ever run from a fight."

The two started sizing each other up when Clarke stepped in between them. "That's enough!" she said, keeping her voice as calm as possible. "Both of you!"

Finn looked back at Bellamy, give him one last glare before marching out the tent, calling behind him. "We're wasting time. If he wants to stay, he can stay for all I care."

He was gone.

"Screw this," Bellamy muttered, before storming out the tent as well.

Clarke looked back at Roman over her shoulder, gesturing to Raven. "Keep an eye on her, call me if anything goes wrong. I'll try to talk some sense into Bellamy."

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