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The day followed us along these train tracks, making us love the freeing feeling of wind graciously tickling our cheeks as our smiles got involved in the euphoria of that same freeing feeling. Somehow, Mouse and I ended up next to one of those train tracks that traced their way into the city. These trains would follow us, playing with our hair as they quickly came and went in a matter of a few seconds. I sat down, observing the way Taehyung was looking for something like a small child would look for candy or a homeless man would look for some spare change.

His nervous fingers that went through his phone that he found in the bag yesterday, carefully held it as he continued to look around. "Mouse, what are you searching for?" I asked, turning my attention to him, focusing away from the grass that was violently pressed under the train tracks. "I don't think I need this anymore." Taehyung spoke as he stared at his phone, observing it up and down. I took a look at his other hand that held the golf club he found a few seconds ago. "What are you doing?" I giggled once I saw him position his phone on a water bottle. "One of my hyung used to do this. Maybe I'm as good as him." Taehyung spoke as his face gave off a reminiscing feeling that couldn't escape him. He positioned himself and adjusted the golf club near the bottle and the phone. I observed him carefully, looking at the way he began swaying the golf club near the phone. I tried to ignore the sound of another train that was going to pass us. Ignoring the train too, he took one last swing with the club and hit the phone off the bottle with full force. I moved my head up to follow the silver object and how far it went. It flew over the train and continued flying far, reaching the woods.

I felt the way Taehyung's body and soul immediately relaxed after getting rid of his phone. He looked so confident and sure of himself, his pleased smile being the sole proof of that. Even when he looked back at me, his smile and eyes shone a light upon me even more. "Feels better?" I questioned, making him smile again. "Yeah." He answered over the sound of a train getting further away. "We still need to make sure you feel better." He spoke as he kneeled in front of me, making me look into his eyes. "I'm okay, I'm just-" I tried to explain but found no words that could describe what I felt. It was a mix of every emotion I ever felt, that couldn't be explained to him nor anyone else. "Do you want to visit your mother today?" He spoke as he timidly held my hands in his, stroking my pointer finger with his. I looked up at him with a pleased smile that he actually did understand it all. "Yeah." I whispered, taking a deep breath.

"Should we eat something and then go visit her?" Taehyung softly spoke again, making me love the feeling of safety that showed in his voice. "I'd love that." I spoke, nodding to myself. "Let's go." I added and got up, walking towards our car in the distance. As our shoe-laceless footwear walked over the grass, I observed the endless beauty of the nature around us, loving the way it all seemed like our hospital garden, yet much more bigger and beautiful. All of it seemed so real, not a hint of artificialness shown around us besides the train tracks that even carried a charm of their own near this forest. "We can't really go into the city, but we can hang around smaller provinces." He smiled and stroked my hair, checking if I was okay with that. I nodded as I looked down, thinking about Sana and how worried she must be by now. "Do you think they're looking for us right now?" I broke the silence between us, catching an eye contact with him. "I think so. That's why it's a bit risky during the day. And we need to get rid of these." Taehyung spoke, motioning to his white hospital bracelet we all worn as a part of the ward, making the other wards recognize us easily. I quickly nodded and observed mine, but my eyes accidentally glanced at my healing wound. I had removed the bandage once it got more stable and started healing around the corners of a cut, making the stitches blend into my skin too. Now, the stitches started to fall out, and my arm showed a pink scar that would soon turn into a white one, making me own another white thing. Regardless of it being a dirty old scar, my little collection of white things that I owned would get a new friend.

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