renjun was one of the most quiet kids. he spent his days in the highschool library if he wasn't in class up until the library would close. he never spoke, no one not even his teacher had ever heard him say a word but the teachers all understood why. the students however didn't and renjun was left as pretty much the schools mystery boy no one knew anything about him and he liked it that way.

it is currently 3pm and school finished of course that meant renjun was now in the library doing homework before he started reading like he always did. there wasnt many people in the library most people either immediately left school as soon as the bell rang or left for clubs and sports.

renjun did neither. he was to small for any sports and wasn't athletic. clubs would require talking and he wouldn't do that. ever. renjun had wanted to join the art club but couldn't bring himself to join so instead he took all the art classes the school would allow him to.

after an hour or so renjun finished all his homework and started looking on the shelves for a new book to read. he liked all types of books real or fake, love or hate, life or death. but he went through phases of books one week he would only read about love then next he would read about monsters. this week was sad.

he finally found a book called 'This is Where it Ends'. once he found it he walked back over to the table he was sitting at and started to read. before he knew it the library was closing, but he didn't finish his book yet.

he walked over to the library desk to check the book out but was greeted by a student instead of an adult.

"hey mystery boy, just checking out this one?" the boy behind the desk asked and renjun nodded.

"you don't talk much do you?" renjun shook his head

"do you not speak korean?" renjun nodded

"what's your name?"

renjun didn't know how to answer that. he couldn't nod or shake his head so he just stood there not knowing what to do. he didn't even speak at home, which is why him and his family learned sign language so that way he could communicate with them and they would understand. but he couldn't sign. not this time. luckily he was saved by the librarian.

"hi hun, just this book right?" renjun nodded happily
"jaemin why are you taking so long to check out the book for him? hurry up i wanna go home." he said walking away.

"sorry mr moon." jaemin apologized and handing renjun the book.

"see you around mystery boy" he said before walking to where mr. moon went to leaving renjun alone.

renjun went and grabbed his backpack before leaving the library and headed home to his parents and siblings who were waiting on him to eat dinner.

when he arrived home his older brother immediately dragged him to the table.

"thank god i'm starving" the guy said digging into his dinner along with the rest of his family

sorry i was at the library i didnt know you all were waiting on me. renjun signed to them

"it's fine don't worry about it." his older brother kun said before going back to eating.

there wasn't much conversation so once renjun was done he excused himself and went to his room which looked more like a library then a room.

2 out of four of his walls were lined with shelves that went from the floor to that ceiling that consisted of only books. in the center of the room was his bed with a nightstand next to it. behind the bed was a bag window where he left a pillow and blanket and a moomin plushie. on one of the walls that didnt have shelves had a tv stand and a tv ontop that was infront go renjuns bed. a desk in the corner of his room and a walk in closet opposite of the desk with a bathroom next to it.

renjun walked into his closet grabbed a hoodie and sweats and left them on his bed while he went to shower. once he was done he went downstairs to tell his mother he was leaving to go to the 24/7 shop that was close.

"be safe. don't get lost. take your phone too and text me if something happens." his mother said kissing him on the forehead then going off to her room.

renjun walked back upstairs to his brothers room first to see if he wanted anything.

kun do you want anything from the mart?

"OOO pretzels please i've been craving them but i forgot to get them earlier then i got to lazy to leave the house again" renjun nodded then walked to his little sisters room who said that she wanted jolly ranchers and then gave him money for it which he was appreciative of since kun gave him no money for his pretzels.

renjun walked to his desk and got his wallet and phone then took off for the 24/7 mart. it was mostly empty since it was dark out and no one liked being out at dark. he made his way to the pretzels and chips and got his brothers snacks then got his sisters candy. he then made his way to the back of the store to get a blue slushie.

once he got everything he needed he went to the front register and set all the stuff down to check out not making eye contact with the boy behind the counter.

"excuse me, these pretzels are buy two get one free" renjun just nodded and went to get two more bags of pretzels and set them down still not looking up.

"do you happen to go to seoul high?" renjun finally looked up and nodded.

"i thought i recognized you mystery boy." renjun just stood there and looked at the others nametag that read 'jeno'.

"so it's not just a school thing. you really just don't talk." renjun nodded again

"do you talk at home?" renjun shook his head

"so how do you communicate with your family?" great. another question renjun couldn't answer because he wouldn't speak.

"never mind that's a stupid question you don't talk and it wasn't yes or no uhhh let me rephrase. do you talk with your family? like verbally?" renjun shook his head taking a sip of his slushie

"okay okay umm then do you write everything down?" again. he shook his head

"i feel like this is the most anyone has ever asked you and gotten to know about you am i correct?" renjun nodded his head

"damn. well i know you don't write your words down for family but could you write down your name for me? so i don't have to call you mystery boy for the rest of your life." renjun shook his head, grabbed is stuff and left before jeno could speak again.

renjun liked being a mystery. he liked no one knowing who he was or even his name. the only people who knew his name were his teachers and his family. no one else not even neighbors. renjun couldn't trust anyone outside of his siblings and mother enough to tell them his name so he never did.

while he walked home he listened to his music and sipped his slushie. when he arrived he went upstairs and tossed two bags of pretzels at his brother

you owe me for that he signed before walking away to his sisters room where he just tossed the candy and left since she payed for hers then made his way to his own room. he grabbed the book he had gotten from the school library and climbed onto his window sill and started reading.

after another house his drink and pretzels were all gone and he finished the book. he made sure to put it in his bag so he wouldn't forget to return it the next day and he went to bed.

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