ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟞

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smut-ish chapter

doesnt need to be read if you don't want it to be it's not super important to the story. but may be talked about again in future chapters

if uncomfortable you can just skip :)

"you're so cute" he whispered and without another second wasted jeno attached their lips.

immediately responding to the kiss renjun wrapped his arms around jenos neck and jeno wrapped his arms around renjuns waste. tilting their heads to the side to deepen the kiss, jeno bit renjuns bottom lip causing the older to whimper and allowing jeno to slide his tongue in.

eventually having to separate jeno moved back to look at the boy who had puffy lips and a blush on his cheeks.

"god youre so beautiful" he complimented and renjun blushed even more

renjun now extremely wanting more kisses pulled jeno onto the bed before climbing onto his lap and kissing him again.

jeno eventually moving from kissing renjuns lips to start kissing his jaw, then his neck biting, kissing, and leaving hickeys all over the boy.

"jaemins gonna be mad he's missing this" jeno smirked before leaving another hickey on his neck.

'then tell him to come over' he signed before kissing jeno again.

"you can, i'm a little busy" jeno smirked before removing the older's shirt and laying on the bed continuing to mark all over renjuns chest

"god you're so gorgeous"

renjun grabbed his phone quickly to text jaemin beofre he wouldn't be able to anymore

nana ❤️‍🔥

r: come to jeno

j: huh ? why ? arent you home?

r: no come jenos

j: is everything okay ?

r: come over

renjun couldn't even think any more let alone type out normal sentences. assuming jaemin would be coming over he threw his phone somewhere in the room and looked at jeno who was staring at him

"is he coming?" he asked and renjun just shrugged

jeno planned on waiting for jaemin to continue anything but not knowing if he was really coming or not he continued as he was.

bringing renjun back into a heated kiss.


jaemin walked into jenos house once a agin not knocking as usual, to be greeted by mark and chan who as usual latched onto his leg with a smile.

"where's jeno and renjun?"

"renjuns here??"

"ugh yeah? he texted me to come over here so i'm assuming he's here"

"i don't know i haven't seen them, probably in jenos room tho. i'm taking channie out for this dinner play date thing so y'all will have to cook for yourselves tonight"

"got it, thanks hyung"

"alright bye jaems"

both boys left and jaemin walked upstairs to jenos room, opening the door to something he was NOT expecting.

jeno had his thigh in between renjuns legs who was now pretty much riding it while they were kissing.

"is this why i was told to come? to watch you two hook up?" jaemin scoffed and walked over to the two 

"no you were told to come so you could join us but if you'd rather just watch by all means go a head"

"and how long have y'all be at this?"

"twenty minutes? he texted you while i was giving him hickeys and dear god what a site that is to see." jeno smirked

"my turn"

jaemin quickly kissed renjun, this kiss was different. still rough and full of lust but some how also soft and sweet. jeno removed his leg from his thighs and renjun whined into the kiss at loss of any contact.

jaemin started kissing down his body not leaving and part un touched. then an idea popped into his head

jaemin ran his thumb over one of renjuns nipples causing renjuns back to immediately arch

"what a sensitive baby" jaemin said before leaning down to suck on one nipple and renjun started to moan causing jaemin to pull away almost in shock since that was the first time he had ever heard renjun make any noise before. jeno and renjun also being shocked stopped aswell, figuring they'll talk about once they finished he tugged on jeno who got the hint.

both boys began to suck on renjuns nipples causing the most pleasure he had ever experienced and he moaned again.

"god you sound so pretty" jaemin mumbled

jeno immediately removing renjuns sweats he was wearing leaving him only in boxers before moving onto jaemin

"baby you've been so good, pleasuring him like that. who knew you could be a switch" jeno smiled before kissing jaemin and leaving hickeys on his neck too. removing jaemins shirt and pants leaving him in his boxers as well

"you both are so beautiful" jeno told

jeno layed renjun down on the bed so his head was laying on the pillows and he layed himself in between his legs.

kissing his thighs leaving marks on them aswell. pulling back he looked at the two who were currently in the middle of a make out session.

(okay that's over because i got bored while writing it 🧍 ~ your lovely *lazy* author)

before anything else could happen there was a light knock at the door causing all three boys to pretty much launch themselves under blankets to hide the fact that they were all almost fully naked.

"JENO HYUNG I NEED HELP" someone on the other side of the door shouted

"is that my brother?" jaemin whisper asked even tho he knew very well it was definitely jisung

"HOLD ON SUNGIE, LET ME GET DRESSED I JUST GOT OUT OF THE SHOWER" jeno shouted back "you two get dressed" jeno said to the two and they quickly threw on clothes while jeno did the same.


this has been sitting in my drafts for a hot second 😃

ANYWAYSSSSSSS i'll be back with quicker updates i promise

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