ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟟

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renjun is currently passing out in the library, head laying on top of a book on the table sleeping because well because getting only one of sleep was not good for him and he just couldn't stay awake any longer.

sadly. that just didn't last long.

"injun? jun wake up" jaemin nudged the older boy who stirred in his sleep

"jun wake up, you can't sleep like this you'll hurt our neck"

"mmmmmm" renjun hummed out opening his eyes to see jaemin sitting down next to him

"you can't sleep that it's not good"

'sleep' renjun signed tiredly

"i get your tired but you can't sleep like that, come on there's a couch in the back room you can sleep there" jaemin told him and grabbed there stuff, leading a very tired renjun to the couch.

it was a big couch, big enough for renjun to sleep comfortably and jaemin to sit down. renjun trudged his way to the couch and flopped down and tried to go back to sleep while jaemin sat scrolling on his phone.

'i can't sleep.' renjun thought to himself as he sat up looking at jaemin with a pout evident on his lips.

"what's up?" jaemin asked him looking up from his phone silently cooing to himself at the sight of renjun. renjun just pouted even more, extremely tired.

"cant sleep?" renjun shook his head 'no'

"come here" jaemin said and renjun being to tired to even think slid right next to him.

jaemin motioned for renjun to lay his head on his lap which renjun easily complied with and laid down. jaemin put on soft music and ran his fingers through renjuns hair causing renjun to easily fall asleep. jaemin noticed the sleeping boy now asleep and went back onto his phoen but keeping the music going and his fingers going through his hair.

nono 💖


from nono: ????? jaem you okay ??


from nono: why ???

to nono: *one image attached* LOOK AT HIMMMMM

from nono: you bitch- WHERE ARE YOU???

to nono: not telling 😌

from nono: tell meeeeeee please

to nono: no✋ let me have my precious time with junie

from nono: fine no cuddles for a week 😔

to nono: UGH you big baby. we are in the library back room.

from nono: thank you baby :)

to nono: yea yea whatever. just be quiet when you get here i don't want to wake him up

* Na Jaemin has gone offline *

jaemin sat there head resting on his hand while his other continued to brush through renjuns brown hair.

jeno walked in slowly and quietly so he didn't wake up renjun and walked over to the pair on the couch.

"he's really adorable isn't he" jeno whispered sitting down next to the two

"he's so small, he makes me wanna cuddle him and put him in my pocket to keep safe" jaemin said resting his head onto jenos shoulder

"i wish he would talk though" he sighed resting his head onto of jaemins

"it's something to do with bad anxiety, i looked it up. remember when he said i was annoying and had a breakdown ? he might be scared to speak out of fear of people's reactions" jaemin told the other in a hushed voice with his hands still running through the sleeping boys hair

"will he ever speak?"

"well it can be broken but it's hard. judging from his lack of friends since middle school i'm guessing he has trust issues aswell but since he trusts us that's a step in the right direction."



"i love you"

"i love you too nono"

"i wanna add him to this relationship."

"i do too baby. i do too. we just have to get him to trust us enough"

before jeno could give a response the warning bell rang signaling lunch ended in 5 minutes, the bell was loud enough to wake renjun who reluctantly opened his eyes to see two boys looking at him.

"hello sleeping beauty" jaemin said looking down at the boy in his lap

renjun quickly nodded before grabbing his stuff and running out. sadly he wasn't quick enough to hide the blush that was extremely evident on his cheeks.

running down the steps and to the front office he ran to the desk lady.

"hi, how may i help you ?"

renjun stood there before signing something so she got the hint that he was mute

"oh i'm sorry kid, heres pen and paper, what's up?"

'where's kun right now?'

"hmmmm should be in his class do you want me to call him down?"

'oh nevermind then, sorry'

"are you okay?"

'yea i just needed to talk to him, it's fine it can wait thank you'

he handed her the pen and paper and walked to his class that he didn't even plan on attending, hoping kun would get him out of it.


r: hyung, i need to talk to you

kun: whats up?

r: i think i should tell you in person

k: sure, let me just tell my teacher and i'll meet you in the library

r: okay.

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