ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛

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it's 5am, i have school in two hours and i haven't slept in two days so i thought i would write a chapter

renjun sat in the office staring off into space when his brother came in, walking right past him and into the counselors office.

"hello mr huang what's going on?" the guidance counselor asked kun

"renjun is having an episode but no one can come get him. can he just go to the library for the day? i have classes that i can't miss today and my mother is working."

"of course, would you like someone to watch him while he's in there?"

"could you just tell mr. moon to keep an eye out for him?"

"yup, you can take him now if you would like to. i'll call his teachers and get his work together that he will miss for the day and bring it up to him later."

"okay thank you so much for understanding."

"of course dear. now you run along and take him to the library classes start soon"

"yes sir" kun said gave a bow then walked out

"renjun come on you can stay in the library for the day i have to go to my classes i'll check on you when i have time."

renjun said nothing and got up and went to the library. once kun left him there he sat at the table and began to read.

he was quiet the whole time and didn't even acknowledge when his counselor came and gave him his work.

lunch rolled around and the library began to fill up with student who wanted to read or needed the computers or to study for upcoming exams. renjun still didn't look up. he didn't look up until he heard a voice he found familiar and when he saw the owner of the voice he wanted to crawl in a while and die.


renjun looked up and was met by both jaemin and jeno looking right back at him and both started to walk over. but before they could make it to the table kun walked in and sat down

"how are you doing?" silence.

"i know what happened jun the boy says it doesn't matter and isn't a big deal. don't beat yourself up about it" still silence. renjun looked back down and continued to read.

"moms on her way to get you, she will text you when she gets here" still nothing. "okay then. i'll be in the cafe if you need me."

kun got up and walked away and renjun gathered all his stuff together and walked to the front desk to check out the book so he could go to the office and wait. he was greeted by jaemin but didn't even look up at him. he grabbed his book and walked out to the office.

he passed kids in the hall who would look at him but he was used to it all by now. he walked into the office just as his mother texted him that she was here.

"hey hun, you ready?"

renjun ignored it and walked out. shortly after followed by his mother who led them to the car. the ride was silent and as soon as they got home renjun went straight to his room.

you are all probably wondering what happened right ? why's he not signing ? why's he ignoring everyone? just wait. (oop fourth wall broke😃)

renjun sat on his bed and read. he read for hours way past the time his siblings came home from school way after dinner and finally stopped after 9 hours of reading and finishing 5 books. he walked out of his room to be met by an empty house.

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