ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟝

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"kid. did taeyong lay hands on you?" he asked and renjun hesitantly nodded


renjun looked at kun and began to sign for him to translate.

"last night i was with him and his brother at the mart. he made a comment and then offered to take me home. today he told my brother about it hoping to get me in trouble but failed. after my last class he was waiting for me by my locker telling me i shoudnt interfere in other people's relationships and that his brother was taken. i tried to explain that we were just friends. he then began to say that i don't have friends and other awful things. i said he was scaring me once he cornered me to the wall."

renjun paused and kun stopped translating, renjun looked at jeno who had his fists clenched, jaemin who was listening and looked upset and kun who was on the brink of tears at what happened to his baby brother.

"he told me if i was so scared i should stay away from jeno when i tried again to say we were just friends and i would never want to break up his brother and jaemin he told me if i wanted a friend i could meet his then punched me. i fell to the ground and started to cry he just walked away towards the field and told me not to tell anyone. i stayed there until jeno and jaemin found me." renjun endd and kun finished translating.

" i'm so sorry this happened to you. i'll report this to the school immediately. meantime you kids go home and get some rest. jeno i advise yo to steer clear of your brother for the day because after this he's gonna be mad. maybe stay with a friend." the coach said and walked away

"renjun go to my car. i'll be there in a minute." kun said sternly and renjun walked away leaving the couple alone with his brother.

"what the fuck?" was all kun could say

"i'm so sorry i didn't know this would happen of course he made weird comments but we ignored them because i thought he was just being an annoying older brother and teasing me i didn't expect this to happen. i shouldn't have ignore it. i'm so sorry this is my fault. how do i make this up to you two?" jeno blurted out

"jeno i'm not blaming you. i'm blaming your psycho of a brother. jaemin did you know anything about what jun said?"

"no. i didn't even know they were together last nights the mart. i also don't care either? them being friends doesnt effect me i don't know why he's more concerned about our relationship then we are" jaemin said

"okay then. i'm so sorry this happened jeno. i should have watched him more closely and not let him leave the house last night."

"wait. can he still come out? at night i mean? i promise him a free slurpie if he came to the mart when i worked." jeno asked concerned that renjun wouldn't be coming

"jeno thats super late. he would get no sleep. i don't know if he should"

"please? he can sleep and then come. he doesn't have to stay the entire time just like 2 hours please i really want him to teach me sign language"

"you bitch you're learning with out me?" jaemin gasped

"come to the mart and we can learn together. right hyung?"

"don't kill him, don't rape him, don't make him cry" kun said

"we won't i promise" jeno beamed and him and jaemin walked away

renjun sat on the hood of the car waiting for his brother when he saw taeyong running to him. before he could even do anything he had a hand around his throat.

"i said don't say anything and you run and tell my brother? what a pussy can't handle his own battles has to call for backup by a kid that doesn't even like him. pathetic" taeyong spat at him

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