ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟜

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yuta laid there awake. it was maybe 11am atp and he didn't wanna wake renjun who was still sleeping on his chest so he laid there running his finders through the youngers hair with a smile on his face until renjun started to stir in his sleep and slowly opened his eyes

"goodmorning love" yuta said and kissed renjuns fourhead


"wanna eat some lunch ? you kind of slept through the breakfast time."

"what time is it?"


"i slept a long time"

"means you were comfortable, so i'm happy"


"lets make some ramen"

both boys walked out of yutas room. renjun in the older's clothes that were way to big. a hoodie that went down to his thighs, he tried on shorts but those just wouldn't stay up so he ended up in just yutas hoods and his own boxers

"you can wait on the couch i can make it"

renjun nodded and sat on the couch flipping through channels until he found one playing a drama he was interested in.

but all to soon was everything interrupted


it was johnny.

renjun just looked at him, he had obviously just woken up as he was still in just a pair of sweatpants and his hair was all over the place

renjun just waved and johnny walked into the kitchen

"why's renjun here?"

"he spent the night"

"he what?!"

"he spent the night"

"you didn't..."

"what? no of course we didn't"

"oh thank god i think nomin would kill you"

"i don't think they have much a shot with renjun anymore"

"how come?"

"well with jaemin cheating on jeno. who would want to date him?"

"he cheated?!"

"that's what someone said when they walked in the bathroom last night, jaemin was kissing someone that wasn't renjun or jeno"

"who told you this?"

"i cant reveal my sources, but if you excuse me i have a very cute guy sitting on our couch that's hungry" yuta said and grabbed both bowls of noodles and walking into the living room

"here you go"

renjun just slightly bowed to show thankfulness and began eating

"so... you done talking for now? at least while other people are here?"

renjun nodded

"damn i wanted to hear your cute voice again"

'later' he typed out on his phone

"fine whatever can i at least get a thank you for the noodles?"


"not what i meant"


renjun gave yuta a kiss on the lips and pulled away



after hours of just watching dramas, eating, and laying on the couch the two decided that they needed to go renjuns school things from jenos house as renjun was gonna be staying with yuta for a while instead of jeno since hes still to scared to be around him for to long

"ready to go?" renjun nodded and they headed out the door and to his car

"do you need to do anything else while we are out?"

"no i just need to get my stuff thats all"

"okay, want me to come in with you when you get it?"

"yes please"

the rest of the car ride was silent except for the music playing through the radio. when they pulled into jenos area renjun grabbed yutas hand that wasn't being used to drive

"nevermind i don't wanna go"

"it's to late for that now. we'll be in and out quick and if they do anything or try to ask questions then you avoid them"

they pulled into his drive way and got out the car, they nocked on the door for a few seconds before it was answered by a surprised mark with chan attached to his hip


"sup bitch" yuta said with a smile

"you just got here and you're already insulting me, how sweet" mark said as he stepped back to let the two in

"hi renjun" renjun just slightly waved "well.... what can i do for you two ? are you just dropped renjun off ?"

"uh no we came to get his school stuff"

"oh why?"

"renjuns gonna stay with me"

"ohhh okay okay cool ummm it's probably in jenos room or wherever you left it last" mark told renjun

renjun walked up the stair and knocked on jenos room to just get a "fuck off mark" as a response. renjun knocked again "SERIOUSLY MARK FUCK OFF" he knocked one last time and the door swung up "LEAVE ME ALONE" jeno shouted before looking to see it was renjun

"oh god i'm so sorry"

'it's fine, i need my school stuff'

"you're not staying here?"


"oh okay, it's sitting on my desk"

renjun walked in and grabbed it trying to make this quick but obviously that's not gonna happen

"why aren't you staying here?"

'hyung told me i could stay with him'

"but you could stay with me"

'easier if i stay with him'


'because it's easier'

"but how?"

'it just is' signed obviously annoyed

"oh okay then"

renjun walked down stairs to see yuta waiting for him

"ready?" renjun nodded and yuta grabbed his things and they walked out the door

"you okay?"

"i will be"

"alright let's get food then we'll go back home"

"can we get chinese food?"

"of course" yuta said with a smile and grabbed renjuns hand as they walked to the car

jeno watched the two leave from his window. he watched renjun talk. he's never talked to him. he doesnt know how to feel watching the guy he likes who has never spoken talk to someone else. he should be happy he's talking it's crazy but he's not because hes not talking to him.

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