ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟛

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the next morning jeno woke up to see both other boys still sleeping, he layed there for a bit just running his hand up and down renjuns side while admiring both of the boys. eventually he quietly got out of bed to go make breakfast for the three of them.

when he walked into the kitchen mark however was already making breakfast.

"morning hyung"

"morning, where's the other two?"

"sleeping, what are you making?"

" pancakes i've been craving them for a while, want me to make you guys some?" with a quick yes please jeno sat down at the counter to talk to his brother

"you know renjun caused quite a scare last night" mark spoke

"what do you mean?"

"his older brother called me at almost 4am telling me that the cops were at his house, since they hadnt heard from renjun since he left for school and missed his classes as well as never went home. speaking of you skipped class too, your grounded for a week."

"wha- bu-"

"try to protest and i'll make it two weeks"

"fine, but what happened with renjun? why did they get so scared that they had to call the cops ?"

"don't know. didnt ask, i assured them he was safe and asleep with you two and had been here watching movies the entire night which is bullish it since the other two didn't get here till after sundown."

"they went to a cafe after lunch then the park once it closed."

"well he better not tell his family that cause i definitely lied for his ass"

"thank you hyung"

"now what's going on with you three?"

"what do you mean?"

"you are skipping classes together, i hardly see you two with our renjun anymore"

"we like him"

"like? or LIKE like?"

"we've liked him since we saw him in middle school."

"both of you?"

"yes which is why we are still together even if we like him. hyung i really like him"

"does he like you both ?"

"yes? i think so ?"

"why do you think so?"

"long story or short story ?"

"i got time so long story"

"WELL me and jaemin wanted to skip class with him since we hadn't seen him in two months so we went to the soccer field and he ended up sitting in my lap and then we kissed and then he kissed jaemin but then we kissed again and then him and jaemin went on a date ig idk they went to a cafe and then they talked about stuff and we cuddled while watching movies and he's so cute next to jaemin i swear to god but the jaemin fell asleep and we came and talked for a minute and he said he liked the flirting and the kissing and the cuddling and everything. and he's just so cute and perfect and even if he doesn't speak ever i don't care i mean i kinda do ? but not really because he's still perfect and then seeing jaemin with him makes my heart just burst cause they are so cute together"

"bro...your whipped as fuck"

"thanks dude tell me something i don't know"

"how about that your little boyfriend is standing behind you" mark smirked

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