ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟙

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jaemin and renjun walked down the side of the street jaemin talking the entire time about how he's so glad he has an excuse to miss his classes and renjun was just happy that he was with jaemin after two months.

finally after ten minutes of walking they made it into the main part of the city where cafes and shops and other places. jaemin decided to take renjun to one of his favorite cafes that cafe being dream cafe.

(i'm just using the dream cafe name it's definitely not gonna look like what the actual dream cafe looks like 🙃)

jaemin was absolutely in love with the sweets they sold there and went there often. walking in you were instantly hit with bright aesthetic colors and the smell of sweets.

the cafe had pastel pink walls and neon signs hung around. it was a small-ish cafe and could probably only fit 10 costumers at a time that would sit inside but it was very cute.

jaemin walked over to the counter and was greeted by a thinner young man who had dark but bright blue hair.

"hi jae- and who is THIS where's jeno ? don't tell me you two broke up that will break my heart." the barista said

"no ten we didn't break up don't worry your gay little ship heart. can i get what i normally get ? and what do you want?" jaemin turned and asked renjun

'hot chocolate with marshmallows'

"and he wants a hot chocolate with marshmallows"

"you got it, you two can go sit while we make it"

jaemin and renjun walked over to the booth infront of the window, a boy walked over and set down jaemins piece of cake then walked back behind the counter while jaemin started to eat.

"SO i brought you here because this is my favorite cafe in the city, it's pretty and soft and i've been going here since it's opened i used to study here a lot ever since i was in 3rd grade i came here right after school and i kept coming, i know every that works here and even the owners....." jaemin continued talking about the cafe and how he loves it and renjun sat and listened to every word he said. he enjoyed this, he felt all his anxiety wash away and he felt happy listening to the boy ramble.

after 20 more minutes of jaemin talking they switched topics, they talk about everything and nothing and got to know eachother. eventually the cafe closed and they walked around the city while the sun set. after a bit of walking they ended up at the park (classic i know). they continued their conversation until a certain boy walked passed them.

"Hyuckie?" jaemin called out and hyuck whipped his head around in the direction of where is name was called.

"oh hi hyungs" he greeted and walked over "where's jeno?"

"uhhh i don't know ? home maybe" jaemin said

"oh okay, well i gotta go jisung wouldn't leave me alone about buying him icecream apparently the brat can't buy himself stuff even though he's a highschooler. the kid was literally blowing up my phone apparently no one else is at yalls house so he begged me to buy it. please take care of your own brother jaemin" hyuck sighed and jaemin laughed

"oh be nice, here use my money for his icecream and buy yourself something i don't care. thank you for helping sungie" jaemin got out his wallet and handed the other boy money before they said their goodbyes and hyuck walked off

'brother?' renjun signed

"yea jisung, you know the really tall one whos chenles boyfriend ? that's my brother. mark is jenos brother too the guy who where the harry potter glasses."

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