ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟜

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they all arrived at the roller rink immediately all running into the building like children on a sugar high. haechan grabbing renjun and dragging him to get skates they quickly put them on and went out to the floor while the others hadn't even payed yet.

"i think your boyfriend just stole our crush." jeno said to mark

"i think your crush just stole my boyfriend" mark sighed back

the rest of the boys grabbed the roller skates and went out to the floor to see hyuck and renjun skating around laughing and smiling wildly.

"looks like this date is a group hang out" jaemin said before stepping onto the roller rink

soon all 7 boys were skating around with each other laughing and having a good time. after a bit of skating they all went to go get food at the little cafe area.

"what do y'all want? i'll get it" jeno said and the boys all listed of their orders

'i'll go with you to help carry things' renjun signed and got up and the two went to go get the food.

"hey sorry if any of this is to much i know you don't exactly normally hang out with a lot of people and our friends can be a lot sometimes"

'no no it's fine i really like them all their really nice especially hyuck' renjun smiled

"NEXT" the man behind the counter shouted

"hi um im sorry but this is kind of a big order can we get 2 cheese pizzas, 5 pretzels, 3 orders of nachos, 4 orders of chicken tenders, 2 coke slushies, 2 cokes, 2 sprites, and 1 blue slushie ?" jeno order and the man looks defeated

"yea yea i'm the total is $46.23, your order will be done in a bit, you can take this to your table and i'll get you when it's done" the man said and handed jeno a sign that was marked with a #23.

the two walked back with just the drinks and sat down at the table with the others who were talking about some test they had the day before.

"where the food?" mark asked

"well oh fat asses ordered like have of the cafe so it's a take a bit" jeno laughed and so did the others

"OKAY so what else are we doing today?" jisung asked

while the others discussed the rest of the days plans chenle took it upon himself to talk to renjun



'well i don't know no one seems to be talking to you, so i wanted to'

'hate to break it to you lele but technically you aren't talking to me either' renjun laughed

'oh you know what i mean'

'i know i know'

'was this meant to be a date? between you three or something ? jeno looked annoyed when we showed up and said we were going but like they are together ? were they going on a date and you tagging along ?'

'wait what ? was this a date ? no i don't think it was actually. we were just hanging out, i'm sure jeno wasn't annoyed probably just surprised is all.' renjun assured

'so there's nothing going on with you three ?'

'well i wouldn't say nothing'
(actually bitch you wouldnt say anything at all but ya know)

before chenle could respond the man came and got jenos and renjun to tell them their food was done.

quickly grabbing it, they all ate and talked and laughed the entire time before going to the arcade to play games.

mark, haechan, chenle, and jisung played air hockey while the other three sat back and watched.

"renjun?" jaemin whispered and he looked over at the boy "are you having fun? i know you said you wanted to go home but i hope you enjoyed today"

'i am. i like hanging out with you guys' renjun responded

"good i'm glad" jaemin smiled and pecked renjun on the lips who immediately turned to a blushing mess

continuing to watch the others play the game, eventually leaving haechan and chenle the winners making jisung and mark buy them icecream they headed out of the building and got into marks car

all jamming out to SHINee and smiling they pulled up to their house and dropped the three off.

"i'm gonna take these guys home and then i'll come home after okay?" mark said and jeno just noddd beofre heading inside with the other two

the three now lounging in jenos room with a movie playing on the tv.

eventually after the long day all three boys passed out in each others arms once again with our a care in the world and their only thoughts being eachother.


okay is it called a roller rink ? i have no idea someone said that's what everyone calls it so that's what i thought it was but it sounds weird to me.

anyways random chapter i hope you enjoyed :)

stream hotsauce !!!

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