ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜

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the school was pretty much empty when renjun arrived which he was happy about. he made his way to the library and started to read the first book to the maze runner series until 7am

checking his book out as usual he left and went to his first period which was art.

his classes went smoothly he had art and math with jeno but other then that he knew no one else. when lunch rolled around renjun went right back to the library to start the second maze runner book since he had finished the first one this morning. as he sat down he heard his name being called and looked up to see jeno.

"hello jun" jeno said sitting down and renjun just waved

"what cha readin?"

renjun lifted his book so he could see the cover

"omg i love the movies have you seen them their so good!" renjun just shook his head and went back to reading

"are you still coming tonight?" he asked and renjun nodded and before they could continue a angry kun walked over with a apologetic looking taeyong

"i'm so sorry" taeyong mouthed

"you want to explain why my friend saw you outside at almost 3 in the morning at the mart? when the hell did you come home ?! did you even come home?" kun whisper yelled only loud enough for the other 3 to hear

'i wanted a slushie, then something happened and i met taeyong hyung and he comforted me then i stayed at the mart to teach jeno sign language because he wanted to learn so it was easier for me to communicate with him please don't tell mom' renjun signed

'i won't tell mom. only because she will ground your ass. jeno? like the jeno from the art room? the jeno sitting next to us?' kun signed back and renjun nodded 'he made you cry why are you with him?'

'i just wanted a slushie last night and he works the 24/7 mart 12-5 so he was there. he didn't mean to upset me in the art room i promise'

'renjun i'm going to ask you this and you are going to answer me honestly okay?' kun signed with a serious expression 'do you like jeno?'

renjun looked at jeno who was looking at them contently but then raised an eyebrow when he saw his name was signed by kun. renjun smiled when he realized jeno understood that kun mentioned him meaning he remembered the sign language he taught him. renjun looked back at kun with a slight blush on his face and nodded looking down.

"I FUCKING KNEW IT" kun shouted a little to loud and scared all three boys. "oops sorry i meant to sign that. my bad" kun chuckled

'shut up you old hag or i swear i will kill you'

'i won't tell him. but he has a boyfriend already' the reminder of that hurt renjun and he slowly nodded showing that he knows and looked down

"what tdid you say now he's sad" taeyong said from across the table

"something about someone's boyfriend." jeno said

"wait what the fuck how did you know i said boyfriend?" kun asked confused on how he knew

"jun taught me a lot of words last night"

"okay then. i'll see you at home jun, taeyong let's go we have gym in 30 minutes and the gym is on the other side of the building and we need to change. gotta go see you later." kun said walking out with taeyong

"what was that about? all i could understand was 'jeno' and 'boyfriend'"

'it was nothing'

"tell meeeee" jeno whined

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