ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟟

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after everyone was dressed jeno opened up the door to reveal a puffy and tear stained face jisung who looked like he would cry again at any second.

"sungie? what happened?" jeno asked softly getting the other twos attention who were now standing by jeno looking at the youngest

"hyung..." he said, voice cracking as he let he's tears fall again and he fell into his brothers arms.

jaemin easily picked up jisung setting him him down on the bed while hugging him.

"sung, what happened? did you and dad fight? why are you here?"

"hyung... we...he...we broke up" he said through his cries and it was as if time stopped in the room and the three looked at eachother with big eyes wondering what happened to the couple that everyone wished to be like.

after some time jisung stopped crying and now sat with a pillow in his lap facing the others.

"jisung, what happened?"

"he said i hang out with Felix hyung to much and he heard stuff about me cheating on him with hyung and i haven't i wouldn't. hyungs i would never do that you know that right ? i don't know why he said that suddenly, we were fine i thought we were. but  he said me and felix being so close made him uncomfortable and that he had heard that me and felix were kissing in the garden but that wasn't me. but he was acting so controlling i broke up with him putout anger and hurt and i tried taking it back but he told me to leave and i don't know what to do, hyungs we've been together since we met, i don't know what to do. it hurts so much" jisung started crying towards the end of explaining and the three sat there in shock.

"sung, give him time okay? he will realize he's stupid and realize that it wasn't you and come back to you i promise" jeno said

"but what if he doesn't. he won't respond to my texts or calls and i went to his house and he wouldn't answer. i don't know what to do" jisung started crying again and renjun went over to him and hugged him

" give it time jisung, how about you stay here with us, mark hyung should be home soon with channie and we can all watch something in the basement and pig out of junk food"

jisung just nodded sadly and the other three got up to get blankets and pillows and brought them all downstairs where eventually the four of them soon to be joined by mark and chan were watching Alice in borderland in the basement jaemin keeping his brother close to him as he still randomly let tears fall from his puffy eyes.

soon they were joined by not only mark and chan but also hyuck.

"why's he here?" jeno asked

"well excuse me bitch" haechan sassed "i happened to be here because my boyfriend invited me" jeno just playfully rolled his eyes and they continued with the show.

they were peacefully watching the show when renjun got a text. choosing to ignore it he kept watching until he got 3 more texts which soon turned into 10 more in the span of seconds

"who is it?" jaemin asked


Dolphin child :)

chenle: hyung can you come over
it's important
i need you
renjun ge please
i'm begging you to come to my house
i'll cry a river if you don't

renjun: sorry i was watching tv with jeno and jaemin
send me your address
i'm omw

chenle: thank you
my added is: xxxx xxx xxxxxxxxx xx xxxxx

renjun: got it, leaving now

'i got to go' renjun signed to jeno and stood up "where are you going?" he asked confused

'chenle texted me and he really needs me i'm sorry'

"that dude just broke my brothers heart and you're gonna go comfort him? what the fuck" jaemin said in shock

'i'm sorry but i can't just not go if he's upset that's not fair'

"you know what's not fair? my brother getting accused of shit he didn't do THATS not fair"

'jaemin i'm sorry'

'he hurt my brother and you want to go by his side?' jaemin signed so the others besides renjun and jeno didn't understand

'i cant just leave him crying alone while all his friends are here watching tv that's not fair to him'

'renjun, jaemin is right that's not fair to jisung if you leave to go be with the boy that just broke him.'

'i'm going'

"fine. go. but don't fucking come back here if you leave this house." jaemin finally said and renjun could feel his heart break a little

renjun grabbed his phone and walked out the door going to the address chenle sent him. after a 10 minute walk he was at the gates of a big house which immediately opened when he walked infront of them.

walking to the front door chenle opened it looking like how jisung did earlier with puffy eyes and a tear stained face however chenle looked less put together then jisung did.

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