ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟘

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sitting down only to quickly be joined by four other boys renjun moved closer to jeno. not used to the whole "interaction" thing with students at the school.

"why is mystery boy sitting at our table?" a boy with glasses said sitting down

"mystery boy has a name. everyone meet jun." jaemin said with a smile

"jun? huh are you korean ? you don't look korean? jun is more of a chinese name isn't it? OH MY GOD ARE YOU CHINESE?" a shorter boy with bright orange hair shouted, renjun just nodded his head

"omg me too i'm chenle. zhong chenle. you don't speak how are we supposed to be friends?" chenle sighed leaning his head onto the tall boys' shoulder next to him

renjun turned to jeno, who took the hint.

"he uses sign language which is how he communicates with everyone he needs to because all the people he needs to talk to know it"

"so you two learned sign language?" the boy with glasses asked

"yea we did"

"OOOO did you grow up in china ? if you did you know chinese sign language right ??? it was a requirement for my school to learn and i'm guessing your as well" chenle perked up

renjun nodded


getting up to move next to renjun he started to sign in chinese to him even though renjun wasn't deaf he hadn't used his sign language skilled in what felt like forever and was just way to excited that someone else would know it other then him

"i grew up in china but i moved here in 6th grade that's when i met jisung he's the tall one over there but then we got in 7th grade we became friends with jeno and jaemin but they were always busy being a couple and obsessing over some guy" chenle said then paused  looking at the others who were talking amongst themselves sharing occasional glances to the two chinese boys

"then we came to highschool and met hyuckie he's the really tan one and through him we met his boyfriend mark who's a junior who's the boy with the glasses. wait back to jeno and jaemin, that boy they obsessed over reminds me of you he never talked at least i never saw him but he looked a little different he had a cute snaggle tooth but you don't anyways back to everyone else now we are all friends with eachother and all dating i'm dating jisungi have been since 8th grade" chenle finally stopped signing and started to eat

"um jun? i have no idea what he told you but i'm mark lee." mark said looking at him

"i'm park jisung"

"i'm lee donghyuck or you can call me hyuck or haechan any of those are fine"

still processing everything slowly he nodded his head as a sign that he listened to them and now knew their names. he turned back to the two sitting across from him who were laughing to eachother whispering back and forth, he turned to chenle who was screeching like a loud dolphin and had his head on jisungs shoulder, finally looking at haechan and mark they were talking to chenle and laughing along with him their hands visibly connected with each other's resting on the top of the table.

being the only single one he sat their quietly (which ain't unusual 💀) and picked at his food while reading. well he was until he book was snatched out of his hands by hyuck.

"i've read this before it was boring i had to read it for a school assignment" he said handing the book back renjun just have a small smile while nodding and turned back to his book

"renjun?" jeno whispered and renjun looked up at him

'i didn't know they were going to eat with us. i'm they normally do idk why i thought today would be different' jeno signed not wanting his other friend to know what he was saying

'it's okay i don't mind they seem nice' renjun signed back

'are you sure they can be loud, especially chenle when he with hyuckie'

'i'm sure i like them they seem fun to be around especially chenle'

"YAH" jaemin accidentally shouted "oops..." 'don't talk shit about our friend when they can't understand you dumbass that's not nice' jaemin signed

renjun and jeno both just laughed and went back to what they were doing.

the rest of lunch consisted of renjun reading, and the other being loud and happy. once the bell rang they all left and jaemin discovered the at he had his art class with hyuck which he was unaware of before but before he could leave the canteen jaemin pulled him aside.

"where are you going?"


"but you said you'd skip with us" jaemin pouted

'i know but i love art class' renjun pouted back

"then draw me at the cafe when we go" jaemin gave him a smile then dragged renjun out the school before he got the chance to respond.


this is so short 😭

i'm sorry i've been trying so hard to write but i'm failing miserably, every chapter i've released for the past 2 weeks have all been pre written for all my books but i ran out of chapters for this book so i had to actually right it tonight

i'm watching bangbangcon21 rn tho so if i'm vibing :)

theres your introduction to 7 dream.

the siblings of nomin will be have bigger roles then the others so mark who's jenos older brother  and jisung and doyoung who are jaemins brothers but the other 2 dreamies will still have big roles :)

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