ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟝

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2 months later *

the friend group split once again only this time no one sees it getting back together.

renjun had grown closer to haechan and chenle and told them about what he saw with jaemin. and of course haechan ran and told mark and mark went and told jeno.

no one was speaking to jaemin.

mark and jeno were always together, they went to their soccer practices together, ate together, did everything while haechan, chenle, and renjun all stayed together and did everything together. jaemin was seen around school with a few people he would talk to but no one from the 22 would talk to him.

renjun however did end up speaking (signing) to jeno about what he saw and why he didn't tell him. although jeno said he wasn't mad he could see that he was. it was for the best that they stayed distant.

renjun grew closer with the people he was living with although not close enough to talk he felt safe around them and knew he could trust them. johnny and jaehyun felt like these older protective brothers and ten felt like the brother he could gossip to about boys with and talk to about anything. it felt nice.

he only grew closer with yuta as time went on. not dating yet but definitely in that weird talking stage. the housemates knew what was going on as they would find the pair cuddling watching movies on the couch late at night, cooking together, playing games together, very much being domestic as fuck. he also saw a lot of their other friends. quickly finding out that their house was the house that everyone liked to hang out at the door was a like a revolving door, people constantly coming in and out to hang out with them.

and today just happened to be a day were a lot of them ended up at their house.

"draw 16" haechan laughed at johnny at johnny as he placed another +4 card down.

"i hate every single one of you" he sighed as he started picking up the cards.

"shut up. you love us" yuta said

"okay this is no fair you two are obviously working together" jungwoo huffed as he watched yuta and renjun looking at eachothers cards

"we are not"

"are too. i literally just saw you hand renjun a card"

"oh that's bullshit"

"you guys suck. play right or don't play"

"you're just mad cause you're loosing"

the game continued on with lots of name calling and swearing happening as playing uno with eachother always ended up resulting in arguments.

renjun although should be used to the shouting and yelling within the group. sometimes they got to be a little to loud and it wasn't good for him.

he lightly pulled on yutas shirt and when they made eye contact yuta already knew what was wrong and they left the room together

"DONT FUCK WHILE WE ARE HERE" someone shouted behind them and they could hear the roar of laughters that followed

after walking the hall to get to their room, yuta shut the door behind them and renjun sat on the edge of the bed, picking at his fingers

"you okay ?"


"that wasn't very convincing" yuta chuckled and sat down next to him "stop that" he said as he grabbed the youngers hand to stop him from picking at his nails

"can they go home?" renjun asked quietly

"yeah, but why do you want them to leave?"

"because im gonna cry. and i don't want other people here when i cry"

"okay okay. i can tell them to go, are you alright to stay here alone for a second?" renjun nodded and yuta walked out the room

after 10 minutes yuta returned to the room

"they're all gone now, johnny, jaehyun, and ten all left as well and won't come back till probably tomorrow so it's just us now. i know your sad and that's okay you don't need to tell me why"

"they're all so loud. always yelling. i cant stand the yelling. it's never directed towards me but i still hate it."

"why does it bother you so much?"

"yelling is the reason i didn't speak for years."

"oh. you don't have to tell me anymore if you don't want to i understand."

"i want to. it wasn't always bad. we used to be happy, picture perfect family. but when my father found out my brother was gay he was kicked out. my mother left a few weeks after that taking kun and herself to korea to get away. she was pregnant at the time too, she didn't want the baby around my father. i was left. my dad wouldn't let her take me so i was left and he would hurt me so much. i couldn't even breath at home without being yelled at, any time i spoke he would hurt me. any time i didn't do what he asked he would yell at me. i tried leaving so many times but he always caught me. he would starve me, and beat me, and yell at me. it was always yelling like he didn't know how to just talk he just yelled. finally i left and now i'm here." renjun was crying at this point and yuta was on the brink of tears.

"i don't even know what to say"

"you don't have to say anything. i'm glad i met you, you make me feel safe and happy and like i can be me. thank you"

"you're so perfect. even if you're life wasn't perfect in china i'll promise i'll give you the perfect life here. you have me and you have our friends and we all love you and want to see you as happy as you can be."

"you all make me happy-" before renjun could even finish his sentence yuta cut him off

"i love you"

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