ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟞

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writing this while listening to Wanna One 😔


renjun grabbed his phone, earbuds, keys, and wallet then left for the mart.

he arrived about 15 minutes later and walked in where jeno was dealing with a customer. deciding not interrupt he went and got a blue slurpie and sat down at a table and waited.

(y'all a a lot of places in south korea has tables where you can sit at convenient stores. apparently not everywhere has that and it seems so weird like america doesn't have that which i find so odd like why wouldn't all convenient stores have it. that doesn't seem every convenient if you ask me)

jeno finished with the customer and walked over to renjun.

"jaemin will be here in 10." jeno announced earning a nod from renjun

"i want to apologize again. for my brother. i don't know why he was acting like that or did this to you." jeno said with guilt in his eyes from his brother's acting

'it's okay. your brother just isn't stable. i don't blame you at all' renjun wrote out.

the boys continued to write and talk until jaemin arrived. when he did he immediately walked and made ramen then sat down with the other two to begin learning sign language.

(ALSO another thing apparently you just can't make hot food while in the marts wtf ???)

renjun retaught what he had taught jeno and then taught them both more words, phrases, and sentences that would help him to be able to communicate with the others. he also taught them the signs for different emotions.

after 4 hours it was time for jeno to get off work and the three boys left the mart.

"thank you renjun for teaching us." jaemin said as they walked renjun just nodded as a sign of acknowledgment and welcome.

the three boys ended up splitting apart at a cross road with renjun turning and jaemin and jeno continuing to go straight.

"jeno?" said almost in a whisper


"why did your brother do that stuff to renjun?"

"he well. he thought something was going on between me and him. he knew about my fascination with renjun when he first transferred to our middle school so i guess he thought there was feelings."

"jeno. love. there ARE feelings there"

"shhhhhhh you have those same feelings"

"exactly. which is why i don't care if you two are close. because i know WHY you want to be close with him i want exactly what you want."

"hang out with us more. let him get to know you more. you get to know him more."

"i want to. i do trust me but i don't know how."

"find something you both like and then talk about it. well you talk and he write about it."

"i guess. can i ask you something though?"

"what's up?"

"why are you just now started to try to talk to him? i've been trying for years and i always just brushed off but you never started trying until last week and he never brushed you off."

"honestly? he did brush me off the first time. he came in to get a slushie and i tried talking to him but he ignored it. the only reason i think he trusts me is because one day in the art room he had a breakdown over you. it was after you pestered him in the library and you found out his nickname. he then told me to call him jun and that the "annoying boy from the library" also knew his name. he found out we were dating and felt really bad for saying what he said and had a breakdown in my arms."

"awww poor baby. but damn not him calling me annoying that's crazy"

"babe. you can get a little bit excessive when you're around him."

"you've seen him. you should understand why"

"anyways after that i kept trying to talk to him. he came back for another slurpie and something happened causing him to be upset again. taeyong found him and brought him back then offered to take him home. luckily for jun, jun had declined and stayed with me. now that i think about it i don't even know what could have happened to him if he had went with him that night. but either way he taught me sign language just a few things that he taught you again tonight like our names and a few other words. and now i guess we are kind of friends but idk if he trusts me yet. hell i don't even know his name"

"then let's get him to trust us." jaemin said

jeno ended up taking his coaches advice and stayed with jaemin for the night even if his brother had been arrested it was more comfortable to be in the presence of his boyfriend rather then his parents who were probably upset.

renjun snuck back into his house and into his room and collapsed to sleep for an hour before he had to get up not caring if he wouldn't read before school started.

after an hour kun came into the room to wake him up and ask how things went. renjun told him everything that happened and then went and got ready. today kun would drive him to school after they dropped  of their sister who went to the middle school down the road.

i spent my entire day reading. specifically the latest two books that are in my 'best books' section. omg they were so good you should 100000000% read them actually i definitely recommend all the stories in my best books section.

anyways short chapter cause i have a headache 😔

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