ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚

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it's was 6am and renjun was back in the school library. lucky for him the library is open from 5:30am until 4pm and most the time it was always empty or only had a few people inside.

he made his way to the front desk where mr. moon was sitting watching something on his computer. until he noticed renjun

"goodmorning kid, you finish your book?" renjun nodded and handed it to him. all of his teachers and staff are full aware that they shouldn't call renjun by his name if someone else was in the room. so they all stuck to just calling him kid if other students were around but used his name if they were alone.

"you gonna go read?" renjun nodded his head again and went to look for a book. this time he chose 'every last word' and began reading. school didn't start for another 2 and a half hours so he could probably finish the book before school even starts.

that was until mr. moon called him over to the front desk even though he still had an hour before school and he hadn't finished the book.

"your brother is looking for it you it just went over the staff phones." renjun gave a questioning look and when he realized mr. moon wasn't going to understand he decided to write it down

'where is he ?' he wrote

"oh yea duh um hes at the front office" renjun nodded and left.

he made his way to the front office and since the only people that were here this early was staff or sports he wasn't really anxious about anything and walked freely. when he got to the office his brother looked him up and down.

"oh thank god" he sighed in relief and gave him a hug


"you left so early and so quietly we didn't know you left when we went to wake you up you were gone and we all started to freak out and you left your phone on your bed which you never do"

'oh i'm sorry i wanted to read so i went to the library when it opened. i didn't mean to worry you all'

"it's fine just here. take your phone and text mom that you're at school and let's go get breakfast from the cafeteria i'm starving." 

'okay hold on i left all my stuff in the library when i was called down here so can you come with me to go get it?'

"yea sure just text mom first" kun agreed

so renjun texted his mother and they both left to go to the library.

"why do you come here if you literally have hundreds of books at home?" kun asked

'i've read all of those but i love them so much i cant throw them out, so instead i come here and read whatever books i can find.' renjun signed forgetting that he was no longer alone with his brother but walking in the hallway where some students were.

"oh, maybe you can ask mom if she can give you money so you can get new books that way you won't be here so early and you can read at home until we have to go for school. if she agrees i'll drive you after school"

'really?' renjun signed with bright eyes at the thought of getting new books.

"yea just text her now so i know whether i'm taking you or not."

'okay' renjun texted him mother who said yes 'she said she will put 200 in my account for books'

"200?! is this what it's like to be ther favorite?"


"ugh bullshit" kun mumbled

'i'm mute not deaf you dumbass i can still hear you'

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