ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟡

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I left y'all for so long, i was busy with a different story but i'm back now !!

renjun was meant to go to school today. with zero intent on going he didn't set an alarm and slept until his brother came to wake him up.

"get up you start again today." kun said grabbing the blankets of the small and now shivering boy.

renjun shook his head,curled into a ball, and closed his eyes again.

"YA RENJUN GET UP BEFORE I DRAG YOUR ASS OUT OF BED" kun shouted. really at his limit with how his brother was acting.

as if the switch flipped he immediately got out of bed and walks cautiously to the bathroom. scared for the first time, of his own brother. yelling was foreign to him now, no one raised their voices at him especially not his family.

after 20 minutes renjun was out the door and headed off to school with his brother since his younger sister didn't have school today.

after what felt like way to quick of a drive for renjun they arrived at the school. proceeding to act like he hadn't been missing for 2 months he walked straight to his art class and sat down at what used to be his usual table. completely forgetting that a certain dog like boy was in his class aswell.

"jun?" jeno called out shocked at seeing the younger.

'oh god' renjun mentally sighed and looked over to the taller male

"OH MY GOD" jeno shouted practically tackling the older boy onto the floor in a hug "god don't ever do that again we were so scared" jeno said, not letting go of the other

"Mr. Lee please get off the poor boy and sit in your seat." the teacher called out and jeno reluctantly got off and they both sat down

"where were you?"


"why weren't you here?"

'didnt want to come'

"why are you being so short with me? you haven't seen me in 2 month you arent the littlest bit of happy to see me?"

'i am'

"oh yea you're totally acting like you are" jeno said sarcastically

'i'm happy i am i'm just tired'

"then take a nap"

'maybe later, we are in class right now'

"true but since the quarter is almost done we have no work to do." jeno informed him


"jaemin has a free period right now let's go see him" jeno said grabbing the other boy and walking out of the room

jeno: Jun is back, meet us by the soccer field


jeno and renjun walked out onto the field and a few minutes later they were joined by a way to frantic jaemin who practically pounced on the older.

"jaemin. down." jeno said and jaemin just looked at the other and stepped back

"where the hell have you been you can't just do that you may not be used to having friends but jesus christ jun you can't just disappear without a warning i thought you died." jaemin said

'hyung' was all renjun signed

"hyung? what?"

'i'm your hyung. you should start saying it'

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