ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟚

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oh god i didn't realize it's been so long since i updated i'm so sorry...

all 7 of them were all in or around the pool enjoying the time together.

jisung do laps back and forth

mark and jeno playing 1v1 in water basketball with mark getting his ass kicked by jeno in the game

chenle and haechan arguing over which music to play over the speakers. chenle wanting day6 and haechan wanting shinee

renjun and jaemin just watching mark and jeno play while sitting on the side of the pool

after way to long of silence jaemin decided to break it

"i'm thinking of dying my hair" renjun looked at him with an eyebrow raised


"yeah, i just don't know what color yet"

'black would look good'

"you should let me dye your hair too"

'i like my hair'

"i like your hair too, you look very cute but you'd look even cuter with bubble gum pink hair"


"yeah why not, if you do pink i'll do blue"

'i'll let you dye my hair pink if i can dye your hair blue for you'


'we can get the dye later'

"ofc but for now we do this"

before renjun got the chance to react jaemin pushed him into the pull before jumping into the water himself.

renjun swam over to the side of the pool and looked at jaemin in shock

'you bitch'

"i don't know what you just said but i'm going to assume it wasn't nice" jaemin said with a laugh

"I WIN BITCH TAKE THAT" jeno shouted loud enough for everyone to hear, looking over at their direction they could see jeno with a huge smile and mark sulking

"language hyung" jisung reminded and jeno just smiled his direction

with haechan winning the fight with chenle, shinee was playing over the speakers and now all 8 boys were sitting in chenles pool

as time goes on the boys are laughing, talking, and playing water games until a boy renjun doesn't recognize walks out with some other people.

"geeee i told i was using the pool for my friends" chenle whined at an older looking guy

"sorry kid. we just finished a bunch of tests and wanna swim and relax, get out."

"that's not fair though"

while the brothers argued back and forth the other boys who came out with the guy got into the pool and started relaxing and talking

apparently everyone but renjun knew them as they all began making conversation with eachother

jeno saw renjun staying far and swam over to him

"jun, why don't you come with me and i can introduce you to everyone?"

renjun nodded and the 2 swam over the the group of boys

"okay so this is renjun, renjun they are doyoung, jaehyun, xiaojun, hendery, yangyang, johnny, ten, and yuta and the one fighting with chenle and winwin, his brother"

after learning everyone's names he still sat and just listened to their conversations and watching them all interact, it was what he was used to and what he liked best. after giving in yangyang accepted that the boys weren't leaving and thoth him and chenle joined the others

after a while the boys all climbed out of the pool and went inside to make food and hang out.

renjun after a while got bored of just listening and went to the kitchen where yuta was busy cooking

renjun didn't know how to ask if he needed help. he had no way to communicate with most of these people besides jeno, jaemin, and chenle. after quickly looking around the room he spotted a pen and paper

'want help?' renjun wrote down and tapped yuta on the shoulder

"oh hey renjun" he smiled "want help? uhhh sure can you cut up the vegetables please? they are already washed so they just need cut up and added to the pot"

renjun nodded and began cutting them up

"can i ask a question" yuta asked and renjun just nodded still focused on the cutting

"do you ever talk ? or would you ever feel comfortable enough to talk ?"

renjun stopped chopping and thought for a second

he doesn't even talk around his family. well i guess since they abandoned him he had reason. he didn't talk at school because of the anxiety. he didn't talk around his crushes cause he was scared and he didn't talk around his friends because he thinks they'll make fun of him. he never met someone he felt 10000% safe with enough to speak. that's if his voice even works anymore.

'one day maybe but i have to feel safe with them and i haven't found someone like that yet'

"you don't feel safe with us?"

'i do but not the kind of safe where i know i won't be judged or anything'

"i won't judge you"

'good to know'

"if you trust me enough one day, maybe we can have a real conversation"

'i don't even know if my voice works anymore, i never use it'

at this point the food had been a thought that was long gone and the two were now sitting at the table talking and writing

"well then you should start using it soon"


"if you don't talk, that means you don't sing either huh"

'i mean that's correct' renjun wrote and laughed

"maybe that was a dumb statement, well anyways me and the rest of the guys wanted to go to a karaoke bar tonight, i wanted to know if you wanted to come no pressure to do anything you can just watch, eat, drink, and have fun"

'everyone's coming?'

"yeah and a few more people were invited i'd say maybe like 22 of us total ?"

'that's a lot of people'

"you don't have socialize with all of them"

'are you sure i can come?'

"i'm positive, i'm sure the rest of your friends would want you to come"

'okay fine'

"GREAT now let's finish cooking"

they finished the food and everyone grabbed a plate and ate quickly before heading out and into 3 separate cars to drive to the karaoke place

johnny driving yangyang, chenle, jisung, mark, haechan

yuta driving renjun, jaemin, jeno, jaehyun

doyoung driving ten, winwin, xiaojun, hendery

when they got there there was already a lot of people in the building. a lady in the front led them to the back room where there were guys already laughing and singing

renjun recognized them from the football and soccer team and then he spotted his brother.


i swear i didn't think it been this long and i hate this chapter but it's just a filler chapter for the future and i don't know what to write anymore and AHHHHHHH

okay okay uhhh bye !!! ~ alex/mars

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