Plus One

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Amelia's POV- September 2020

I hummed, 

"I want to run something by you"

I moved from my office chair to my bed, so Gavin could sit down. 

"Hello to you too" I stated.

He chuckled and leaned in for a quick kiss.

"Hey, babes"

"Hi" I greeted as he kissed my cheek.

Since I was on my bed, he pulled up my office chair.

"So what is it you want to run by me?" I asked.

It had become an everyday thing (at least when he was not out of town with the Dodgers via Taxi Squad), for him to come over after morning workout and practice.

"The Postseason starts at the end of the month"

I nodded as he took a seat in front of me.

"Okay," I said.

"And only the Wild Card Series is being played at Dodger Stadium"


"Do you maybe, want to come as my plus one to Texas?"

Oh, right.

"You don't need to give me an answer now, I know you've got work and with the time change it'd be a bit complicated"

He smiled and shrugged,

"I just thought I'd ring it by you"

"Let me run it by my doctor," I told him.

He was the one who got dad to lay off a bit, insisting that as long as 'my partner' practiced social distancing and wore a mask, he saw no need for me to be barricaded at home-. I went to the grocery store for the first time since March a week ago, and it experience.

"But I don't think he'd find a problem, as long as I practice social distancing" I noted.

A light tint of pink peaked through his bearded cheeks as he smiled showing his teeth this time. He'd been in a dark place lately, so the toothy smile was an accomplishment.

"So how would that work?" I asked.

"Doc said something about quarantine families in a hotel a week before the postseason"


"So when the team makes it past the Wild Card Series, we'd all just get on a plane and head to Texas"

I see.

"I don't think we'd have the hotel to ourselves, but we'd have floors dedicated for us and sections of the hotel to lounge around"

"That doesn't sound safe" I noted.

He grimaced as he slowly nodded,

"But I could wear a mask," I told him.

He looked at me a bit surprised, his brows raised.

"You'd come?"

"Of course I'd come" I stated.

"I may not get a lot of playing time"

I shrugged,

"That's fine" I assured him.

He chuckled,

"How'd your doctor's appointment go? That was today, right"

Once the offseason was over, he was planning on heading home to Kenosha for a few weeks before flying back to California to workout/prepare for the upcoming season. He wanted me to go with him and spend the holidays there. 

"The doctor recommended I stay away from my 'first responder' family members until they were fully vaccinated" I responded.


"He did say it was okay for me to travel to Kenosha," I told him.

He smiled.

"Wait, really?"

"As long as your family quarantines and your friends maintain their distance" I stated.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around him as he pulled me into a hug, pulling me off the bed and onto his lap.

"I love you, I love you"

I'd be spending Thanksgiving, Christmas, and ringing up the New Year with Gavin.

"We'd finally get some privacy" I informed him.

He chuckled and leaned in for a kiss, our noses gently grazing.

"That we would" 

Not really though but no one knocked in this house anymore. Jensen was the only one who knocked yet he had been the one who had walked in on us. We had just been making out at the time and were fully clothed but Jensen didn't speak to Gavin for a good two weeks. 

"Hey, Lia"

I pressed my lips against Gavin's before turning to look at Missy who was scrunching up her nose,

"What's up?" I asked.

She blinked,

"The door is open"

I gestured for her to continue,


She cleared her throat,

"What should I make for dinner?"

"What are your options?" I wondered.

"Chicken salad, or chicken enchiladas"

Both delicious.

"Enchiladas" I answered.

She nodded,

"That seems to be winning"

She looked at Gavin,

"Will you be staying for dinner?"

He shook his head,

"I've got a plane to catch"

He gently tapped my sides,

"I should probably head out soon"

Missy's phone started ringing, and she quickly excused herself.

"That must be Alex" I noted.

Gavin hummed,

"Long-distance sucks"

I kissed his jaw and nodded,

"Yes it does" I agreed.

Because of You  || Gavin LuxWhere stories live. Discover now