It's my Birthday

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Amelia's POV- November 2020
Since our arrival to Kenosha, I had been befriending three kittens. A black/white tuxedo, a calico and an orange tabby sunbathed every afternoon in the backyard of the Lux residence. I would watch them from Gavin's bedroom window as they pounced on one another during my breaks from teaching. 

With the approval of Gavin's parents, I began to leave food and water for the feral cats. Little by little, I would make my way out to the backyard. They'd see me and watch me cautiously as I either watered the rose bush or threw out the trash. Little by little they got close and closer. Eventually, I managed to hold them and the rest was history. Gavin despised the kittens though, and the feeling was mutual.

I accidently forgot to feed them last night, so when I stepped outside today after grading some papers, three very hungry kittens ran towards me meowing away. While they ate, I got away with petting them. That is how Gavin found me, when he returned from BP with his uncle.

"There you are"

The calico kitten was sleeping on my lap, the orange one had also been on my lap but had been shoved off by the calico cat while it was sleeping so it was now sleeping pressed against my thigh. I was holding the tuxedo cat who was purring away as I pet it.

"You're back" I noted.

Gavin grimaced as he looked at the kittens with mild disgust.

"Sweets, those kittens are filthy"

I knew that.

"Nothing a bath can't fix" I told him.

The tuxedo kitten I was petting took one good look at Gavin and hissed,

"I take it he's the one that bit you?" I guessed.

"No, the orange tabby did. The black one your holding just scared the crap out of me"

I cooed at it and gently scratched behind its ear.

"What exactly do you plan on doing with them?"

"I called and made an appointment for the veterinarian to see them tomorrow," I told him.

"Why not let the pound handle them?"

I raised an eyebrow,

"The local no-kill shelter is not taking any pets. If I drop them off at the pound they will likely be euthanized" I replied.

"So what do you plan on doing with them?"

"Alex and Missy want the calico" I answered.

"And the other two?"

I smiled and looked up at him. He frowned when he realized what I was thinking.

"You want to keep one?"

"Maybe" I slyly responded.


"Why not?" I shot back.

"Those two hate me, I get hissed at every morning"

He had to pop the hood of his car to get them to scurry away.

"They do not hate you" I stated.

To add injury to insult, the kitten hissed at Gavin once more.

"That one does"

"They'll warm up to you" I said.

"And if they don't?"

I smiled,

"Then I guess you got to go" I joked.

He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as I smiled up at him.

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