Ask Your Sister

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Amelia's POV- September 2019
For once we were able to bamboozle Valeria and managed to surprise her.

"That looks delicious"

I glanced up and smiled at my dad who stepped into the kitchen, beer in hand.

"Need help?"

I shook my head.

"No, but you can keep me company," I said.

He took a seat across from me.

"Has mom talked to you?"

I nodded,

"Yeah, she gave me a talk about the dangers of hooking up with men I am unfamiliar with" I responded.

"She means well"

Of course,

"He's no stranger now" I noted.

He frowned most likely thinking I meant it as a double meaning. 


I laughed,

"Dad, not like that. I mean, he's no stranger because I've actually gotten to know him more" I replied.

"I see"

I nodded,

"Well that's good"

He grimaced,

"Just wear protection, yeah? I'm too young to be a grandfather"

I laughed,

"Of course, dad" I told him.

He took a rather large gulp of his beer,

"How did you manage to keep this a secret from Valeria?"

I smiled.

"It was honestly pretty easy" I admitted.

I glanced away when the front door opened.

"We just didn't tell Mr. Big Mouth, here" I noted gesturing at Jon.

Dad laughed as Jon raised an eyebrow,

"Well hello to you both"

"You're in time for the party," I told him.

He opened the closet door and tossed his duffle bag inside,

"Smart to not tell me, I would have ruined the surprise"

Yes, he would have.

"Have you packed?"

Jon nodded,

"What's on the menu?"

I was currently wrapping veggie spring rolls, but on a platter next to me were nori wraps.

"Caprese sandwiches, veggie rolls, and nori wraps" I answered.

He hummed,


Jon was not a picky eater.

"Do you want me to take anything outside?"

"There's a pitcher in the freezer" I stated.

He nodded and got the pitcher before excusing himself out.

"The strangest thing happened, and by that, I mean, David did not creep up on the car when we arrived"

I laughed.

"That's because Jamie had Dean serve him with a restraining order" I disclosed.

The Bennett's were the first family who welcomed us to the neighborhood when we first moved here from Minnesota. The youngest, Jamie happened to be around Jon's age and they instantly bonded. The oldest, Natasha occasionally babysat us and picked us up from school. They looked like the perfect family, and it just crumbled suddenly. It was not my story to tell, but those two (Jamie and Nat) had honestly gone through a lot, but they worked their asses off. Jamie was a first-year resident in Pediatrics, and Natasha was a pathologist...a medical examiner for the New York Medical Examiners Office. Both Doctors on their own accounts.

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