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Amelia's POV- January 2021
I stepped out of the bathroom to find Gavin in the same position I had left him in. He was fast asleep, face pressed against my pillow with his arm spread across a pillow. His leg was hiked up, the duvet covers were serving as my body double. How I managed to get out of his hold was quite an accomplishment. As much as I did want to get back into bed, I had work. He'd be up within the next hour or so because he actually had an early workout. It was back to business and my body was screaming at me for being up this early which meant one thing. Coffee time.

After breakfast, and my second cup of coffee and I got to work.

"Good morning" I greeted the screen of students.

Once I took roll, I had each student introduce themselves and I assigned a number to them. The number would serve for the impeding dead silence that came with asking a question. We went through the syllabus, and then I let them 'go' early. 

Gavin made his presence known as my second block started. He quietly peaked at the screen before realizing the screen was off and my microphone was muted.

"They're taking their exam" I answered.

He nodded slowly and groggily made his way into the kitchen. I watched him get the coffee pot, and make his way over. He filled my cup of coffee and then proceeded to take a rather large gulp. As he grimaced, I couldn't help but laugh at his expense.

"I chose sleep over leaving early"

Which meant no daily cup of cold brew from the 'bucks.

"You do know there's cold brew in the fridge?" I reminded him.

To which he scrunched up his nose.

"Love you?"

I hummed.

"When it's convenient" I noted as I accepted his peck.

He cackled and made his way to the kitchen while holding the coffee pot.

"Thanks for breakfast"

I stood up and made my way over, my cup of coffee in hand.

"Of course" I answered.

I reached over and did my best to fix his hair.

"You don't even try to tame it," I said.

He snorted,

"I learned to just let it be"

I laughed and took a sip of my cup of coffee.

"How'd your first class go?"

I let him take the cup and drink from it.

"I went through the syllabus with them and called it a day early," I told him.

He nodded, handing me back my coffee.

"No syllabus day for your other two though, right?"


"Nope, it's straight to World War I for them" I replied.

I stepped around him and went to work in making him his cold brew. The timer went off as I placed the cup next to him.

"Here you go, love," I said.

"Thanks, babes"

I pecked his lips and made my way back to my setup.

"Welcome back" I declared as I turned on my microphone and camera.

I clapped my hands.

"I hope you all had a good winter break?" I asked.

Because of You  || Gavin LuxWhere stories live. Discover now