I Go Where You Go

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Amelia's POV- February 2022
It had been a little over three weeks since I had physically seen Gavin and I missed him. After welcoming the New Year in Santa Barbara we returned back to LA. The new semester began for me and Gavin left for Kenosha to train with his uncle since the lockout prevented him from working out at Dodger Stadium. 

He'd be back next week for Valentine's Day though since he'd be 'relocating' to AZ until MLB decided to get their acts together. To keep occupied, I had finally decided to look through the many boxes that I had at my parents' house. The boxes contained items from my time in Buffalo, basically my hockey playing life. I had not packed my apartment, my brothers had done so, and I was finally seeing how shitty of a job they had done...nearly four years later. A lot of porcelain items had to be tossed away because they did not wrap them well enough. 

"There you are"

For some reason, my mind did not comprehend that a smiling Gavin was leaning up against the garage doorframe. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

I placed the hard drive back into the box before rushing over to him. He chuckled as he easily caught me and hummed as I took his face in my hands.


I smiled as he laughed as I began to pepper his face with kisses. 

"I missed you too, babes"

I pressed my lips against his and when I went to pull away, he deepened said kiss and hoisted me up, my legs wrapping around his waist instinctively. My phone started ringing as our kiss got heated and Gavin shook his head as we both pulled away for a much-needed gasp of air.

"Leave it"

So I did, only for it to ring a couple of seconds later. I laughed as Gavin pressed me against the wall and his hand went to the hem of my blouse.

"You're wearing too much"

I glanced over his shoulder to see who was calling and as much as I wanted to continue, I paused our steamy moment.

"Love, it's Andrea. If I don't answer, she'll come over" I stated to him through gasps of air.

He grunted and steadied me in his arms before stepping back so that I could get my phone.

"Hello," I answered.

"I've been calling you!"

"Yeah, sorry. I've been moving boxes around and I couldn't find it" I told her.

Gavin snickered as he pressed me up against the wall once more and pressed his face against my neck.

"Are you coming over for dinner?"

Gavin shook his head and continued his attempt on getting my blouse off. He succeeded, but dropped my phone.

"Lia? Are you okay?"

Gavin spoke up,

"Sorry Ands, raincheck?"

She hummed,

"I should have known there was a reason as to why she wasn't answering her phone. I was a missed phone call away from showing up at your doorstep. Thank the lord I did not cause who knows what I would have seen"

Gavin chuckled as he spoke out louder so that she could hear him since my phone was on the floor.

"There's no need for that. I found her in the garage moving boxes around"

She hummed.

"Is that what she was doing?"

Gavin grinned at me.

Because of You  || Gavin LuxWhere stories live. Discover now