Sassy Pants

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Amelia's POV - September 2019
"Hey, Amelia"

I glanced up from my laptop and looked at the mirror to see Dean leaning against the doorway.

"What'd you do?" I asked.

He snorted,


"What'd I do?" I wondered.

He raised an eyebrow,

"You never call me by my full name" I noted.

The last time he called me Amelia was when I learned that he was dating Valeria. He honestly thought I'd be mad about it. In fact, I was kind of hurt because they had been dating for about 6 months when he told me.

"I was hoping we could talk?"

I blew a raspberry as I saved the file I was working on, and then closed my laptop.

"What about?" I asked as I turned in my chair to face him.

He plopped down on my bed.

"That is so unlike you" I stated

He glanced at my aerial silks.

"The hammock isn't on"

I was only using one hook.

"I got you this"

I eyed the sour candy chews and the chocolate bar before taking it.

"Thank you," I said.

The last time I got both at the same time was about a year ago when he asked me if I could convince dad to let Val move in with him.

"So Gavin"

There it is,

"What about him?" I asked looking at him.

Something that made Dean intimidating was the eye contact he maintained when he talked with people.

"Do we like him?"

"We do" I answered.

He smiled.


He cleared his throat,

"So when is he taking you on a proper date?"

"He wanted to tonight, but" I gestured.


His brows furrowed,

"We could have done this tomorrow"

I laughed,

"Alex and Jon fly to New York tomorrow" I reminded him.


"It's fine" I assured him.

He nodded,

"When he gets back from his road trip, we're going to getting dinner," I told him.

"What are you overthinking about?"

"Am I jumping into this too quickly?" I asked.

He shrugged,

"You two are obviously attracted to each other, fuck what others think"

"I guess" I mumbled.

"According to Leia, the physical chemistry between a Leo and Sagittarius is extremely high"

I hummed,

"Of course she checked to see if our zodiac signs were compatible" I noted.

He smiled,

Because of You  || Gavin LuxWhere stories live. Discover now