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ameliavogel: His dance moves have since improved since this was recorded. No, I still don't know who's podium set he's wearing. Yes, these are new clips to the 7-minute video I received back in 2018. Sorry ladies, Boston College's Alumni, 'Jay' Anderson is a married man! Welcome to the family, James. #TheAndersons

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hilaryknight: Release the full video, Sass! Also, that's my podium set.

pfalzere7: Congratulations Andy and Jay!

Amelia's POV- March 2021

"I will deliver your beloved sweets to the cathedral and will be waiting for you outside," I told Andrea as I clipped the fanny pack around my waist.

She smiled and stretched out her hand. I took her hand, taking her engagement ring, and gave it a gentle squeeze before letting it go.

"I love you"

I hummed as I grabbed the box on the bed and placed her ring along with her two new bands.

"You better" I sassed as I stuffed the box into the pocket of my dress.

She laughed,

"I'm going now" I announced to the rest of the house.

I picked up both her bouquet and mines before turning to her,

"Bye," I called out.

I stepped out and crossed the street to my place where the men were getting ready. Stepping inside, I spotted Gavin.

"Hi, love" I greeted.

By the looks of it, he was eating breakfast...at noon. He coughed a bit as he reached for his drink.


I smiled as his eyes wandered up and down my figure,

"Thank you, love. You don't look too shabby yourself" I noted.

I stepped into the garage and placed the bouquets in the trunk of my car along with the fanny pack before making my way back inside,

"I like the makeshift bib" I stated.

He smiled as he chewed,

"Your dad put it on me"

And it's a good thing because he had somehow spilled pancake syrup on the bib.

"Do you happen to know where Carter is?" I asked him.

He mumbled,

"Upstairs with James"

I walked over to him and kissed his cheek.

"Have you been asleep this whole time" I questioned as I wiped the mauve pink lipstick smudge from his cheek.

Even though he was dressed and technically ready to go, there was still some drowsiness visible on his face.


I reached over and gently ran my finger across the crease on his cheek.

"Did you sleep well?" I wondered.

He tilted his head as he looked at me, pouting his lower lip a bit.

"Could have slept better if I had you by my side"

Because of You  || Gavin LuxWhere stories live. Discover now