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Amelia's POV- March 2021
"Yes, Monica," I said when one of my students raised their hand.

I glanced away from the screen to see Gavin opening the front door. He made a gesture for Trevor to be quiet as he let him in.

"How can we remember the causes of the Great Depression?"

I grabbed my pen and wrote down the acronym, BOPS

"The B stands for Bank Failure. Banks could no longer function properly when they began to run out of money. It also didn't help that people were freaking out and going to empty their accounts" I stated.

I reached for another pen,

"O and P correlate with one another. O refers to overproducing and P refers to purchasing reduction. Companies were making or growing too much of one product, and not many people were purchasing the product" I explained.

I changed pen color once more,

"And finally S is the stock market crash. Unregulated credit led people to buy more than they could afford" I finished.

I clicked the pen,

"That makes sense"

I smiled,

 "Any other questions?" I questioned.

"Why do we have another exam on April 9th and 13th? We have a midterm next week. What's the whole point of having so many exams after one another?"

Because it was Opening Day and I needed the afternoon off.

"You could read the syllabus, it's on there"

The student that asked the question rolled his eyes,

"Kyle is right, the response to your question is in the syllabus but I do not mind going over it once more" I said.

He was new after all.

"Normally, I would ask the class to come in on a weekend for a full exam run through, but we are unable to all meet due to the pandemic so I'm splitting the exam in two. On April 9th, the class will take the 120 multiple choice part of the exam and on April 12th we will go over the exam and also prepare for the short response part of the exam that will be on April 13" I stated.

He slowly nodded,

"So what will be on the exam?"

"Everything is fair game" I replied.

He hummed,

"I see"

"Any other questions?" I wondered.

"Is it true that you used to play professional hockey?"

"That's not related to the class" I noted.

I looked at the screen to see one student had his hand 'raised'

"Yes, Michael?" I questioned.

"Just making sure that the raise hand question works since Derek seems to forget how to use it"

"Please use the raise your hand feature, I get to all of you always," I said.

I glanced at the screen,

"This upcoming chapter is a long one so I've split it into three sections. Please refer to the syllabus when it comes to the reading" I instructed.

It was quite a hefty and important chapter.

"Have a good rest of your day, I will see you all tomorrow" I told them before disconnecting from the call.

I grimaced and shut off the computer before looking at Gavin as he placed a smoothie on the desk.

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