I Can't Hear You

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Amelia's POV- September 2019
"Thanks for not telling me until after work"

I caught Henry and the art teacher making out in the mail room this morning. The look of horror that came across his face when he realized it was me was quite comical. I pretended not to notice them, and grabbed items from mines and Missy's mail boxes before making my way out.

Everyone including the art teacher knew that Missy and Henry had feelings for each other.

"I'm such a dumbass"

I frowned,

"Eyyy, none of that. He's the dumbass" I stated.

I pulled up to the house, and turned to Missy as I shut off the car.

"How am I supposed to meet up with him this weekend to grade school work?"

It was kind of why Missy slacked on grading school work.

"Pretty sure he's bailed on you the last two weekends, tell him you're busy helping me take care of Dean this weekend" I told her.

She nodded.

"I don't want him to know I know"

"My lips are sealed" I said.

"You can still be sassy"

I smiled.

"You can't stop me from being sassy" I replied.

I grabbed my phone from the dock before stepping out of the car.

"Can we order Chinese food?"

Jon usually cooked on Mondays, but he and Alex were in New York until Friday.

"Sure" I answered.

I stepped forward and gave her a hug.

"Fuck him, you'll find a guy who will know your worth" I said.

She squeezed me.

"I love you, Sassy"

I smiled and rocked side to side,

"Love you too" I responded.

My phone ruined our little moment,


I nodded as I looked at the screen,

"Yeah" I answered.

"Open the trunk?"

I did that before answering the FaceTime call from Gavin.

"Hey" I greeted as Gavin appeared on the screen of my face.

He smiled,

"Hey, are you home?"

"I just got home" I answered as I showed him my car keys.

"How was work?"

"Someone pulled the fire alarm, so one of my AP classes fell behind" I replied.

"I'm sure you'll figure something out"

Missy set my utility cart down before picking hers up and doing the same.

"Hey, Missy"

She offered Gavin a small smile,

"Hey, Gavin"

She waved before pulling the cart with her inside.

"She okay?"

I pursed my lips,

"Not really, I'll explain it later?" I told him.

He nodded,

"To what do I owe this call," I said.

Because of You  || Gavin LuxWhere stories live. Discover now