You Were Right

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Amelia's POV- May 2021
A month after I'm pink-slipped, I earn myself four job offers. I pull my phone from my purse to text Gavin about the most recent job offer.

Lots to tell you today. Call me when you're done with practice?

The Dodgers were not playing today, but he did have practice so he would not be reading the text for at least forty-five minutes.

"Knock, knock"

I glanced up from my phone to see Principal Russo stepping into my classroom.

"Hello" I greeted back slowly.

She used the master key to get into the room because the door was locked.

"What can I do for you?" I asked as she walked in.

She glanced at the air purifier by me before looking at me.

"I'm sure you've heard about Greg Stirling"

"I did" I confirmed.

Greg had died of COVID complications three days ago.  He tested positive after an easter Sunday family get-together. One of his relatives had lied about being vaccinated and about taking a COVID test. That person turned out to be positive for COVID and ended up infecting ALL of the family. Henry had just returned to work in person after being sick for nearly two weeks and we learned the news from him today.

"Lucky for you, his spot is now available"

I shouldn't take things out of context, but what the fuck?

"Excuse me?" I questioned.

Maybe she didn't mean to say it that way.

"You wouldn't have to be interviewed. The job is yours if you'd like"

She was serious. Oh my god, she was serious.

"No, thank you," I told her.

I don't think she was expecting that answer from me because she just stares at me and then shoots me with,

"Excuse me?"

As if I should be thanking her for offering me a position that had been vacated by a close colleague of mine because he literally died.

"When you informed me that I would not be returning next fall, I applied to teach at other schools and have received job offers" I informed her.

"Surely you can choose your current workplace due to these circumstances?"

Is she serious?

"Why would I choose a workplace that saw me as their third option?" I questioned her.

She's wearing a mask, but I know her lips are pursed because her brows are pinched and  I know I am being glared at.

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to politely decline the offer"

She just stares with wide/shocked eyes.

"Are you sure?"

I nod,

"Yes, now is that it? Is there another reason you let yourself into my classroom instead of knocking?" I wondered. 

The woman was too stunned to speak.

"No? Please make sure to use that Master key and lock the door on your way out" I told her.

My eyes stay on the screen of my laptop until the door closed and I heard the click of it being locked. After that, I run my hand through my hair and gently tug on the roots.

"Holy shit" I mumbled to myself.

I don't know what got to me, but I was kind of rude to her. I'm distracted by my attitude towards Principal Russo that I blindly reach and answer my ringing phone.

Because of You  || Gavin LuxWhere stories live. Discover now