Chapter 1 Linger

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Soft breeze filled her lungs as she opened her window. She could smell the blossoming sakuras wafting through her nose. She self-prepped herself with positivity, "Everything's gonna be okay Krista. No need to fear. It's just a new school. And new people to meet." She opted to use her second name, because the first one brings a whole lot of awful memories, a history she wants to forget. "Yes, we are better off without him."  She is thinking hard not to think of the man that gave her that name and left their family for some other woman. And off she went downstairs ate a hearty breakfast made by her sister, anticipating a brighter day.

Shigenki High was far massive as what she had imagined. She's greeted by a smell of roses from upfront coming from the cultured gardens with one massive fountain as it's centerpiece, as soon as she went through the intricate brass gates hinged to Roman-like columns on the side, intimadating her for some reason and not because of her height. She took a deep breath, and went past through eyes that were all looking at her. She could hear whispers and soft murmurs and she forced herself to not listen to any of it as she head straight to the administration office. "Well, it can't be helped. I am the 'new girl' joining them in their senoir year. It could be awkward for me though, because they have known themselves for years, who knows some of them may date back to preschool. Don't get intimadated by them, Krista. Haul yourself. You'll get through this one year with a breeze.", thinking with her head held high.

As soon as she went for the doorknob, the door flung open, hitting her right on the nose. She muttered curses under her breath. And suddenly opted to bite her tongue not to say more, thinking "I gotta hold my breath and smile, or else my reputation would be at stake. I couldn't loose my scholarship." As soon as she looked up to see what's blocking her way, she was stunned of those two glaring emerald eyes that seem to pierce her soul. "Are you done with your daydream?" a low voice break her thoughts. "I...uh...yeah...I'm going in." as she slid off past him and went through the office. The boy with a man bun just shrugged his shoulders, and put his headphones back on. But as soon as she got in, he stopped on his tracks and look back over his shoulders, worried thoughts came to his mind hoping she's okey from that bump. Her blue eyes seemed to linger on his thoughts a bit longer.

Author's Note
Hello it's my first time ever to write a fanfic... I just have to jot it down for I am heartbroken thinking that my ship would not be endgame... I dare to hope and not hope (Are you like me?)... So I ended up here hoping that in another universe, erehisu is real. I hope you enjoy...

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