Chapter 3: By Your Side

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As soon as she walked out of the office, a tall girl with freckles, was calling out her name. It seems that she had forgotten her index cards, as the girl waved it running towards her.

As the girl was trying to catch her breath with her one hand on her knee and the other hand with the index cards towards her, Krista slowly tilted her head seeing her bright red face. She gave out her hand and introduced herself first. The girl took her hand firmly, and stuttered saying, "Hi...uhm Ymir here....uh your cards. If you need help....right here... I'm right here." Krista giggled, and ask her for her classroom's directions.

She gave her a mini tour and eventually become quite a talker, getting comfortable along the way. It seems that, she knows the school too well. She is a scholar also, but not through the academics. She is an orphan and was taken in by the school, and in exchange she works at the principal's office. "This really would come out handy, if I am caught in a binding situation." Krista muses to her self. And lucky enough, they were in the same class.

As soon as they arrived at their classroom, she then introduced her with the rest of her friends. They were kind of towering over her, Reiner and Bertoldt. They easily warmed up to her especially Reiner, being attentive to everything that she says. "This could come in advantage again.", smiling innocently at the thought of this little pack, she made for herself.

As she looked around, at the far corner surrounded by other students, is that delinquent that made a tiny red mark on her nose bridge. That incident really had her fuming, still with that looming dread at the pit of her stomach, that something bad is going to happen.

He was speaking inanimately as he sat at his table. A beautiful girl with raven hair, was looking up at him, intently listenting at the conversation, with one of her arm on his thigh. Another guy was on the other side, listening as well, but his mind was on his book, switching back and forth from listening and then reading.

Suddenly he caught her staring at them, he raised an eyebrow with that kind of look that seems to say, 'What do you want?'. She swing her head on the other direction, trying to hide her flushed face. He then made a smirk, of which the raven haired one asked him, Is there something funny going on? He just shooked his head, saying he just remembered their neighbor's pet chihuahua.

As Ymir and Reiner were about to question her and wanting to get to know her more, came their professor, Mr. Erwin Smith. All the girls were swooning upon his entrance, well who wouldn't with his manly built and well kept golden hair. It seems he just came out from a magazine shoot for the most eligible bachelors. The guys on the other hand, were filled with dread knowing his well reputation for giving mind drilling exams.

"Eren, it's best you head back to your desk." All eyes now on the punk. Begrudgingly he walk and with a slam put down his things on the desk. It startled her... "Wait, what, we're seatmates, what's wrong with my fortune today? Have I murdered someone in my past life", thinking as she took a glance at the troubled teen on her left.

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