Chapter 9: Fluid Thick Denial

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Something has awakened between them. Denial was thick when they reasoned out with Connie. He did not want to admit nor will she. Pride got the upperhand. Things were back of what they were used to be for a few days, with all the teasings and bickerings. But did it seem to?

Krista was fidgeting, fighting her resolve to just do it, as she stood at the Principal's office. She must do something for her own good she thinks. Ymir noticed her, "Hey want to cut out some of your nerves before going in?". She nods as Ymir took her hand and led her to the vending machine. She gave her a steaming cup of macchiato. She laughed, "How could caffeine relaxed me? ". "There you finally laughed, wasn't that nerve calming?" Ymir smiling down on her.

Walking back to class, feeling smug with victory, she finally freed herself from going to Jeager's residence. Mr. Grisha was satisfied with the outcome of his son where he even jokingly teased that she could be his girlfriend instead, "Like father, like son" she thought.

She just waited long enough, until Mr. Smith was already in the classroom. Trying to avoid small talks and seeing Eren, that's for sure.

As she entered she could feel eyes boring through her until she made it to her seat. Nonchalantly, she turned around and gave him a warm greeting. "You can't fool me Krista, I think you've been avoiding me lately." "Shush, eyes on the board, class is starting" as she cut him off. But that didn't stopped Eren. With his hands on the desk, he laid looking at her intently, seemingly wanting to know what is on her mind. She wanted to retaliate but she doesn't want attention so she let him be.

As soon as the bell rang, he hurriedly stood up and tugged her to the rooftop.

"You think that I don't know. You even asked my father to stop the tutorials already, he just texted me of a reward of afternoon freedoms."

"It's just that... I...I need more time for the pep rally. I'm so left behind that Hitch is at my neck already..."

"Really, is that it?!" as he leaned forward locking his eyes with hers. "Or are you afraid of accepting something" as he twirled a strand of her hair on his fingers, putting it at the back of her ear, "that...that...might be worth of a...risk..I...I...could jump into...this...boat with... "  as his thumb caressed her cheek.

"Stop it Eren!, as she take off his hand on her face." Don't be so full of yourself. The world doesn't revovle around you. You can't just assume things because it suits to your line of thinking."

She zooms out, and slammed the door leaving Eren dumbfounded.

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