Chapter 19: Knotted Destiny

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Getting back in track is not that easy. You'd have to set your eyes on the goal. And that's what the two have been doing.

Eren is now focused getting back in shape as soon as he received a letter from one of the biggest MMA agency. He'd do anything to get on Rod Reiss's favor. He hadn't been this thrilled for years. And finally he's pumped up, seemingly happy that he has finally have a clear cut goal in where he wants to be, even if his father is against it. Thus he kept this goal a secret to everyone.

On the other hand, Historia is getting back on healing herself emotionally. Little by little, she can now of some sort hold long conversations with her sister. For the past months, she has locked herself most of the time in her room. She is grateful though that her sister took the effort of giving her a fresh start away from their toxic household. But still at that time, she is not ready to be a family to anyone yet. She can't hide the fact that she's hurt and loathsome towards their father. It's not only because of their parents' divorce, that lead to her mom's suicide, but most of all of how he treats them, as things and that's all they are to him. And looking at her sister, she is reminded of how pathetic they have been especially her. They were being put out to parties, to be selled off to any influential and affluent gentleman, to marry off for assets. Frieda was this obedient lamb, if not for Zeke, she would have been shipped to a Chinese drug lord as one of his concubines. Yes, Zeke even though how brutal that right-hand of his father, he was like a big brother to her. And most of all she knows how much he loves her sister. And he proved it, time and time again even though her sister has already closed off her afffections. She can't blame her, Frieda doesn't want him to get hurt. Once when they were teenagers, they snucked out for a movie. But was caught on their way home, she was right there when Zeke was beaten up, lashed and tortured. It had stopped when she agreed to that sick engagement with the drug lord. His father couldn't throw him off. He was his biggest asset. He has honed him since he was 10yo. He was like a son that he never had. He took him off as a payment for someone's debt. His mother was one of his drug clients who had cocaine overdose. She was now zombie like, appearance gritted through time and abuse. He can have everything he has but not his daughter. He doesn't want any lowlife to have any part of their blood and name. Zeke couldn't bear Frieda's plight. So he helped them escaped even risking his life. He placed them on another ship, and set off another woman to China. After that, they'd hadn't known what happened to him and their father.

And now looking across the table, she can see the peacefulness in Frieda's eyes as she happily tells her that she is now applying for undergraduate studies in preparation for Law. She's happy that her sister could dream once again and not bounded by the shadows of their name. She'd hold on to this freedom and she is little by little unshackling herself from the past. She's grateful that one tiny moment from someone who seems to understand her and been patient enough with her demons was there to hold her hand even though how closed off she still seems to be. She muses to herself that she'd be ready now to grasp this warmth and be basked in his light. Little did she know that this hand would be the one in bringing her back to that unresolved hurt. And little did Eren know that someday he'd be the one to open those wounds again. As each of them, are moving forward, while fate once again playfully intertwining their lives.

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