Chapter 21: Breathless

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"I guess this is is it" she took one final look at the mirror wearing a yellow summer dress with her hair on a high ponytail.

She thought she would surprised him at the arena. She didn't know that Eren stormed off earlier. Glancing around, her breath suddenly got hitched seeing the ghost of someone. She hurriedly followed him, doubts lingering, walking past the halls with one thing in mind, while getting lost on her actual purpose of visit.

Until they got into a corner where suddenly, Zeke hastily turned around as he has sensed that someone was trailing him. He suddenly got her into headlock fast enough that he didn't got a look on her face, as he demands for answers.

Historia tried to pry off his big arm and with each abated breath saying, "It's me Hisu". As Zeke finally got a hold of what she's saying, he released his arm, sending her off ground as she tugs her chest coughing and trying to catch her breath. Then he crouched down in front of her, holding her head up in between his palms. "Is it really you Hisu?" with her little nod, he then looked straight into her eyes recognising those ocean blue. He lifted her up easily hugging her with all his might, happy that she was alive. That his act of rescue was not in vain.

"Hey Zeke, this reunion sure is breathless" as Historia tried to pull away from such hug. Releasing her, "I'm sorry Hisu. Got a hold of my excitement there... By the way, are you free, why not let's have lunch together?". She decided to take his invitation, anyways she hadn't seen Eren.

"By the way, Hisu why are you at the arena? The last thing I knew you hated places like these. You didn't even tag along with your father back then." asks Zeke as he was helping her sliced her steak to bite friendly pieces attuned to what he has been doing back when they were young.
"Oh" wide eyed clapping both of her hands, "I need you to meet my boyfriend... Uhm I mean my boy best friend....I wanted to surprise him but he wasn't there and saw you instead. He's trying to become an MMA fighter but please don't make him meet dad. Just bring him to another agency. I assure you he's got talent."
As Zeke handed her here plate, smirking," So you like him?"
"Hey, what got you into that conclusion? I corrected it earlier."
Laughing hard, he flicked her forehead, "I gotta meet this guy who made you all dolled up"
Flushed looking down on her attire, yes her feelings showing in not so subtle ways.
Wanting to escape her embarrassment, she excused herself to the comfort room. As she reach out for her purse to touch up, she got hold of her phone now with several missed calls flashing on her screen. She had put it on silent mode as she was trying to concentrate on her homework last night. She hurriedly went back to Zeke, as she needs to be home now. And promised him for another lunch date, better yet uninterrupted. Zeke let her packed up her unfinished lunch and as she as well ordered for takeout, worrying he might not have eaten as well.

She took off on her own declining Zeke's offer, telling him it is not yet time for him to face his sister.
Hurrying on her steps she went straight to her bedroom where Freida placed him. And as soon as Eren saw her, he pulled her towards him and crashed her into his arms, feeling through her warmth calming his senses. She sense his need, his desparation she hugged him back whispering, "I am here".

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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