Chapter 17: In Silence

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Days passed by, and Eren was still on leave for practice due to his injuries. His dad, just let him be after they argued because Grisha can't deny it they had a blood of a fighter, him once being famous at that.

Lately Eren opted his afternoons, staying behind watching her pep rally practice. She tried to shoved him off but stubborn as he is, she let him stay knowing she can't win even though it becomes pretty annoying as it seems like his fencing her from other guys especially Reiner.

Thus there were buzz around the school that they're the new it couple. Eren doesn't seem to mind, but she struggles with the thought.

As they were out on that seafood dinner that she promised, she decided to air out this growing gossip.

"Aren't you even bothered? I've grown tried of explaining. "
"I don't mind though. Why? Were you harrassed?"
"No.... But we know the truth, we aren't..."
"Well, we could make it come true..."
"Yeah, be mine...."
"Eren, it's not that simple...."
"It's..... It's a long story..."
"I'm up for long stories"
"You don't even really know me..."
"Then, I'll get to know you first"
"When will you stop?..."
"....hmmmm, until I'm yours", smirking chewing on a claw.

"... Fine what? That we're officially dating?"
"Not that.... The getting to know more deeply part"
"Okey, spill anything..."

"Hmmm....don't worry I won't judge. We've been together quite enough. But I still can see that you're holding back on something. I don't mean to pry but if it's your past embrace it. Be real for once, it's freeing. Either you can run from it or learn from it. " pointing the claw at her.
" Who are you, Rafiki?" she giggled
" Hey, that's my favorite movie"
"Let's just finish up please" as she points at their seafood bucket, trying to change the topic.

As they were walking towards the parking lot. Krista's mind was in a battle and she could feel her walls coming down. "Will it be fine?" "Would I be okey with this?" "Would I want this friendship to grow deeper or be something more?" "Do I even love him?"

"Earth to Krista, hello?!" as Eren clicked his fingers upfront her face waking her from her thoughts.

"Hehehe... The crabs got me hazy, I think"

As Eren was driving, he couldn't stop and wonder on what's occupying her thoughts. Aside from that daze she had a while back, now she keeps staring at the window, deep in thought. "Was it something that I said?" "Have I been a little arrogant or cheeky?" "Or maybe she doesn't see me that way, the way I'm so into her?" "Or is it, Jean?" thinking as his eyes are set down on the road.

Both of them silent and unaware that their very own thoughts were at war, pining for each other.

Still in silence, as she was walking towards her front porch, she suddely stopped. Eren was right behind her and awkwardly bumped into her due to her sudden action. She then suddeny turned and look up at him and said, "Call me Historia, that's my real name". Then she ran all the way inside, afraid that he would see her blushing. Eren on the other hand was left dumbfounded at the entrance, unable to say goodbye or goodnight.

A big smile was left in his mouth as he said, "Historia, my Hisu..." and with a smirk he went on his way knowing this time it's a start of something new.

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