Chapter 12: Lights Out

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Blazing lights, smell admixed of blood and sweat, and the roaring crowd, these could not deter Eren's spirit. He has to fight and not back down if he wants to be known. This is just a stepping stone. All his life he wanted to be someone bigger than his brother. It must be sibling rivalry, but he knows deep down inside, it is more than that. He wants recognition from his father, to see him not as a failure and not just a shadow of his half brother.

Flashes of light suddenly clouded his sight, as he slowly fell from the ground. It was like he was tied down and beaten over and over again. Levi, has already been a seasoned fighter. He has seen him defeated his brother once. The "beast" couldn't handle his swift kicks and jabs as he remembered his brother struggle through that fight.

He has to get out from being continuously jabbed. With his last ounce of strength, he got back up as he lunge over and gripped Levi's upper torso, and turned him around on the edge. They were at the corner, testosterone filled rage, not wanting to back down. But as he saw from the corner of his eyes Levi's seemingly confident calmness, despite being pinned against the wall, intimidated, he didn't saw the strong kick coming and thus hitting his abdomen. As he staggered backward, Levi then did a flying kick, gaining his momentum from the wall then straight right to his chin knocking him down.

And slowly the lights faded out from his sight as he hears the referee's shouts drowns out from the background.

Sorry for the long update, I had a hard time coping up with 139. Never felt so down and confused.

And please bear witn me in regards to this fight scene, hope you can visualize it. This is my first writing an action scene.

And thank you once again for the comments and votes.

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