Chapter 6: Lead Me On

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"So where's your brother?" she asked pushing him aside while scanning the room.

"What brother?", he asked while taking the candy she's been holding for a while, popping the lolly into his mouth "What's with this free toy? It looks naked scary with his long hair screaming like that"

"Well it looks just like you" she smirked. "Now where is this little tyke? That was for him though"

"You're looking at it." as he closed the door leaving her dumbfounded as she sat on his bed. "And why the heck did I jump into conclusion, that it was a kid", as she hung her head down.

As she looked back up she saw Eren taking off his shirt, with his broad back straight at her. In shocked, she took her bag and  flung it towards him hitting his head. "What are you doing?" she screamed.

"Ouch, can't you be more violent?" as he rubbed his head from the pain feeling a growing bump. "Don't think for once that I'm  gonna pounce on you, I have a girl you know... sort of".Taking his cut-out shirt and jacket from the rack, and walked past her as he exited through the window.

"Where are you going?" as she tugged his jacket, stopping his tracks. He rolled his eyes, and pulled her towards him. "Okey then you're coming with me", as he carried her through window.

As they  hurried climbing down, she couldn't believe she was being lead on with this jerk. As they approached the garage, he gave her a helmet, and turned on the bike. "I'm not gonna ride on that". "You have no choice princess or I will leave you here, better explain to my dad why you havn't done your job better," flicking her forehead. "Just make sure, that we'll be back before he does." "Sure, sure. I know my man" assuring her. Begrudgingly she climbed on the bike. "Better hold on tight, I like it fast" as he took her hands and placed it unto his waist. She flushed as she touched  his hardcore abs.

They stopped at the outskirts of town, in front of a dilapidated building. "Are you planning to murder me?" looking around trying to find an exit. He just laughed hard and took her hand, as they round up the back, and went down the basement. "Welcome to my playground". Her mouth hanging looking at a very lively underground MMA arena.

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