Chapter 2 Deal

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It ticked her, that boy with emerald eyes. In annoyance she thought, "Wouldn't it take just a few minutes to ask her if is she's okay after what he did. There was not even a sorry. So much for her first day, huh." She silently prayed that she wouldn't meet that punk again, ignoring that looming gloom in the pit of her stomach. Most of the time her intuitions are right. Like what happened in the past, when she had an inkling that her father had an affair. And boy, did she got it right.

Her name was called out, and she stood up and entered the Principal's office. Her nerves calmed down upon seeing the principal's homely face. He doesn't seemed to be the tyrannical type, she presumed in her thoughts. Though he kinda resembles someone she knew or have just met. But she couldn't pinpoint who.

As index cards were laid out, indicating her class schedules, locker number and simple basic school information, the principial suddenly paused and dropped down his head with his hand on his chin and seems to be in deep thought. Krista sat their awkwardly, silence still hanging. She was about to question him, when he suddenly lifted his head and pushed back his tiny glasses. "In regards to your scholarship, there is a need for additional extracurricular personality development activities for our scholars so that aside from honing their intellectual capacity, pruning their character to the utmost best is of equal importance."

He paused, trying to gather the right words, and then said, "So there is a favor I want to ask of you. Can you tutor my son and make sure that he attends his classes. He really can be quite a handful, with his short tempered attitude. And seeing that mild warm persona of yours, it seems that you can make my son see the light. If it's okey with you? Only an hour a day, after school. Don't worry, I'll pay for the tutoring, knowing that I'm taking much of your time. And I'll consider it as part of your extracurricular activity on your Scholarship Tasklist."

Krista chuckled in her head, "Mild warm demeanor, sure do I fooled him, but I have to keep up with this new me. I am the new Krista now." Bottling up emotions and showing a pleased face has been quite a task. But now she's an expert. "This couldn't be bad right. I'm just caring for one bratty little monster. And honestly, I love kids. Now this reminds me, I missed my previous part time job at the daycare center." As she thought trying to convince herself that this is a good decision.

"So what would it be, Krista?" as he waited for her answer. She took out her hand and gave it out summoning a handshake, with their hands pressed firmly, signifying their deal.

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