Chapter 15 Unrequited Baggages

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"So you brought me to see your family... Uhhh I'm so touched" as Krista was giggling to an annoyed face, Jean.
"Yeah, yeah....I'm gonna leave you here if you ever make that remark again"

Laughing till her tears were spilling, she took hold of the reign that he was trying to hand her but could not because of her fits of laughter.
"I'm so sorry... But I just can't help it", giggling as she looked again intently between him and her ride, a white stallion.

To end the matter, Jean grabbed her and hoist her up the saddle.
"Hey not so rough, I can climb on my own"

"Yeah right" smirking, as Jean checked on the saddle to ensure her safety.

"Would you like me to ride with you or....."

And he was cut off as she rode past him letting him eat some dust, while shouting, "Race, You!!!"

"Ugh, this girl!" as he hurriedly jumped onto his black stallion catching her up.

Nearing sunset. Jean directed her near a cliff overlooking the sea. Krista was so entranced with the scenery, that slowly every negative energy seemed to drain out of her.

"Calming right?"

"Definitely... really healing" as she smiled looking now at the different hues as the sun was slowly settting.


"So, what?"

"Is this the place you go to when you contemplate about her?"

"...... Yeah... I guess so"

"well have you given up on her or are you willing to fight for her and take her back?"

"Hahaha... Why are you asking me this.. So you could take Eren back? You sly little girl"

"Nooooo... Stop putting words in my mouth. In the first place we're not together. I'm just curious, you know...."

"Hmmm... I can't deny it, I still do have some feelings for her...but I don't know... I rarther see her with someone she loves and being happy...I know she tried her best when we were togerher for a short while...but you know the heart wants what it wants... At least we' re much good friends now..."

"'re sappy..."

"Come on, before it gets too dark"

As they rode off, each leaving their unrequited baggages behind.

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