Chapter 20: Precipice

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At the precipice of your being, you are thrown to decide life altering choices. One false move, it could entirely change the direction of your life. And that's where Eren's at the momet. At long last, he has grasped his ideal, train with the masters of their craft and being handled by the elites. But it blew a crack on his enthusiasm, when he spotted his long lost half brother. He's taken aback, thinking of those moments where he will eventually be obliged to interact and just the thought of being with him in one room is revolting enough. One might say, it's an over reaction, but this hidden trauma he has, keep bubbling out of the surface. As much as he wanted to stay calm, the aggressiveness of his so called demons seems to beckon him, taunting him to fight and horribly to kill. It's not only because he is the product of his dad's infidelity, but the darker secret was they're the ones who seemingly lead his mom to despression eventually leading to death. He hurriedly flew out of the building and drove away, taking with him the contract that will seal the deal. The secretary was dumbfounded as his eyes followed the back of their soon to be uprising star, slamming the door hard.

He drove and drove, not knowing where it would take him. And as he stopped, he is now at Historia's driveway. He didn't know how many minutes has passed until he was snapped back to reality by Freida. She knocked hard on the window as it seems he looks like he was gasping for air as he was clutching firmly on the steering wheel.

Opening the window while looking into those eyes that were showing concern, he asked if by chance Historia's home.

She introduced herself hastily while thinking this must be the boy that her sister seemed to be into. She ushered him unto the house giving him a glass of water to calm down his nerves. Then she dialled fast her number repeatedly, the call left hanging in the air.

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